Starting with Contrail
Networking Release 2003, you can use the Contrail Command user interface
(UI) to view the configuration information of each devices deployed
in a fabric. The device configuration is information
related to interface, encryption, physical role or routing-bridging
roles assigned to the device, and so on. To view the configuration
information of a fabric device, you have to perform the following
steps in the Contrail Command UI:
- Click a fabric in the Infrastructure>Fabrics page.
The Fabric devices page is displayed with a list
of devices deployed in the fabric.
- Select one or more devices from the list and click the View Configuration button. See Figure 1.
- The Device Configuration page is displayed
where you can see two panels. The Operation is being run on the
following devices panel on the left side displays the device
names and the Results panel on the right side displays
the configuration result of each device. The View Configuration operation takes some time to complete. You have to wait until the
operation is completed. On the left panel, a progress bar next to
each device displays the progress of the operation on each device.
See Figure 2.
Figure 2: View Configuration Operation
In Progress
- You can view the configuration details of each device
in the Results panel once the View Configuration operation is successfully completed.
In the Results panel, click Expand all to view the entire configuration results generated for a device.
Click Collapse all to hide the displayed results.
You can also perform a search operation on the expanded results
by entering a specific text or keyword in the input search text field. Information about the results matching your text or keyword
is displayed in the following places:
In the left panel, next to the device names.
In the Results panel, next to the device names.
In the Results panel, next to the input
search text field.
In the expanded Results panel, highlighting
the text or keyword.
See Figure 3.
Figure 3: Results of the View Configuration
Operation Is Displayed
Change History Table
Feature support is determined by the platform and release you are using. Use Feature Explorer to determine if a feature is supported on your platform.
Starting with Contrail
Networking Release 2003, you can use the Contrail Command user interface
(UI) to view the configuration information of each devices deployed
in a fabric.