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Monitor NFX250 with Contrail Insights Agent

This topic describes how to install Contrail Insights Agent on the Juniper Networks NFX250 Network Services Platform.

  • In the Contrail Insights architecture, an adapter is used to discover and correlate virtual machines and containers in cloud environments, and configure elements in the Contrail Insights Platform.

  • Contrail Insights is typically installed using Ansible. Currently, Ansible is not able to gather facts when connecting to a NFX host.

  • Contrail Insights Agent currently supports systemd and upstart scripts to manage the daemon. In the following installation instructions, Agent is started manually.


  • Contrail Insights Platform running OpenStack Adapter for identity and authentication.

  • NFX250

    • NFX250 has multiple IP addresses and shells that can be accessed, such as the host and Junos Device Manager (JDM).

    • Commands executed on JDM shell use prefix root@nfx1-jdm#.

    • Commands executed on host (Linux KVM hypervisor) shell use root@nfx1-host#.

  • Time must be correct on NFX250. Use Network Time Protocol (NTP) to synchronize Junos device time. Verify the result of show system uptime command is the same as the time of AppFormix-VM.

Install Contrail Insights Agent on NFX250

To install Contrail Insights Agent on NFX250:

  1. Download and extract the Contrail Insights installation package from software downloads.

  2. Copy the installer script to the NFX250:

  3. Log in to the NFX250 and execute the script. When prompted, provide the log in credentials for appformix_controller to enable a secure tunnel connection between appformix_platform_host and NFX250.

Verify Installation of Contrail Insights Agent on NFX250

Run the following commands to verify Contrail Insights Agent is installed on the NFX250.

On Contrail Insights Platform node:

On the NFX Hypervisor:

Configure Contrail Insights Manually for NFX250

Currently, there is not an adapter to discover the NFX250 and the virtual machines that execute on the device. See the following workflow and procedures to configure Contrail Insights manually.

Get an Authentication Token

To get an authentication token:

  1. Substitute the values in the example file in Step 2 for an OpenStack user (UserName), project (ProjectName), and password (Password).

  2. Set APPFORMIX_PLATFORM_HOST to the hostname or IP address of the Contrail Insights Platform host.

    Output will look similar to the following:

  3. Set TOKEN environment variable for subsequent commands:

Add NFX250 as a Host

To add the NFX250 as a host:

  1. Enter the following values as shown in the example file in Step 2 to add NFX250 as a host:

    • Name—Name is displayed in the Dashboard and is the user-facing identifier.

    • HostName—Hostname or IP address used to reach NFX250 host address.

    • ServerId—Unique identifier for your NFX250 server.

    • Source—Enter "bare-metal" as Source value to indicate this host was not configured by an adapter that discovered the host from a cloud management system (such as OpenStack or Kubernetes).

  2. POST your file to /appformix/controller/v2.0/hosts.

Enter the following values in the example file to add NFX250 as a host:

Add a Project for VNFs on the NFX250

All instances in Contrail Insights must belong to a project. To create a project in which VNF VMs are added, see the following steps:

  1. Enter "bare-metal" as Source value as shown in Step 2 to indicate this project was not configured by an adapter that discovered the host from a cloud management system (such as OpenStack or Kubernetes).

  2. POST to /appformix/controller/v2.0/projects.

Add a VM on the NFX250

The virtual machine (VM) has to be added manually if the automatic_kvm_instance_discovery flag is not set in Ansible during playbook installation.

To add a VM on the NFX250:

  1. Run virsh list to determine the list of VMs on the NFX250. For example:

  2. Configure the VM (instance) in Contrail Insights using the following values:

    • InternalName

    • Name

    • VirtualMachineId

    • ProjectId

    • POST /appformix/controller/v2.0/instances
