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Update the Undercloud

Contrail Cloud 16.3 uses secured registry and has vault-data.yml file with all the passwords related to your deployment environment. You must verify that the vault-data.yml file has your container image registry credentials. See, samples/vault-data.yml file, which can be read with the following command:

After going through the vault-data.yml file, perform the following procedure.

  1. Run the following script from the jump host as the Contrail user to update the packages and containers on the undercloud virtual machine on the jump host.

    The script will:

    • Update the undercloud virtual machine registration.

    • Update the operating system on the undercloud virtual machine.

    • Update the Red Hat OpenStack registry with the latest containers.

    • Update the Red Hat OpenStack Director.

    • Reboot the undercloud virtual machine once the update is complete.