Viewing Functional Audit Results
To view the results of a functional audit of a service, follow this procedure:
After performing a functional audit on a service (see Performing a Functional Audit), look at the functional audit results:
- From the View selector, select Service View. The workspaces that are applicable to routing and tunnel services are displayed.
- Click the Build icon in the Service View of the Connectivity Services Director banner. The functionalities that you can configure in this mode are displayed in the task pane.
- Click the plus sign (+) beside Connectivity to view services
based on protocols.
Expand the IP Services tree to select an IP service.
Expand the E-Line Services tree to select an E-Line service.
Expand the E-LAN Services tree to select an E-LAN service.
- In the Network Services > Connectivity task
pane, select Service Provisioning > Audit/Results > Functional Audit.
The Functional Audit Result window appears, displaying Service Status in the right panel.
If a CFM is configured in an E-Line service or E-LAN service, the functional audit results includes the result of both E-Line and E-LAN services.
A green up-arrow in the Service Status header bar indicates that the service has passed the functional audit in both the control plane and the data plane. A red down-arrow indicates that the service failed either or both the control plane validation and the data plane validation.
Depending on the type of service, the left panel lists
The name of the service
Each endpoint in the service
Icons representing the endpoint indicate its role in the service and its up or down state. Table 1 describes these icons for a point-to-multipoint service.
Table 1: Point-to-Multipoint Service Endpoint Icons Icon
Hub in a point-to-multipoint service. Endpoint state is up.
Hub in a point-to-multipoint service. Endpoint state is down.
Spoke in a point-to-multipoint service. Endpoint state is up.
Spoke in a point-to-multipoint service. Endpoint state is down.
Interface name
A numeric value indicating the subinterface name: the VLAN-ID for an 802.1Q interface, the service VLAN-ID for a Q-in-Q interface, or 0 for a dedicated port.
Device name
- To show all endpoints in the service, in the left panel header, select All. To display only the endpoints indicating failed validation, select Failed. Failed is dimmed if the functional audit returned no validation errors.
- To view details for an individual interface or endpoint, select it in the left panel. The header bar on the right panel changes to End Point or Interface Status, and details for the selected item are displayed below.
- Expand each device to show the link from that device to
the other N-PE device in the service.
An icon next to each link indicates whether the functional audit commands reported correct functioning of the control plane and data plane. Table 2 describes these icons.
Table 2: Functional Audit Success Status Icons Icon
Control plane and data plane function correctly.
Errors were reported in the functioning of either the control plane or the data plane.
- In the left panel, select a link.
The panel to the right shows the validation results for the control plane validation and data plane validation for the selected link. Icons indicate the success or failure of each set of tests.
The panel to the right shows the validation results for the control plane validation and data plane validation for the selected link. Icons indicate the success or failure of each of these sets of tests. Table 3 describes icons and the textual information provided in the box beside the icon.
Table 3: Multipoint-to-Multipoint Service Control Plane and Data Plane Validation Icons Icon
Control plane up
The text box shows the name of the remote N-PE device and confirms that the data plane is operational.
Control plane down
The text box shows the name of the configured remote N-PE device and, in the Command status field, explains why the test failed.
Control plane status unknown
The text box indicates the name of the configured remote N-PE device and, in the Result field, an explanation as to why the functional audit operation was unable to test the control plane—for example, configuration was missing on the device.
Data plane up
The text box indicates the number of packets transmitted and received, and confirms that no data packets were lost during the audit.
Data plane down
The text box indicates that data packets were lost during the audit.
Data plane status unknown
The functional audit was unable to complete the data plane test. The Result field in the text box indicates the reason—for example, the platform does not support data plane testing, or the connection to the remote N-PE device is down.
The control plane and data plane validation checks must both show operational status for the link to be considered operational.
- To troubleshoot a service, click the Troubleshoot button. To select the status you want to check, click the device
from the device list on the left, and select the show command from
the Command list.
An icon next to each command indicates whether the command execution is successful or failed. Table 4 describes these icons.
Table 4: Command Status Icons Icon
Command execution is successful and the command status is up.
Command execution is failed, or,
In case of multiple rows, one of the status value is down
Data plane information between two endpoints in an E-LAN service is provided only for MX Series devices. This information is not provided for M Series devices.
Junos OS Release 9.3 and Junos OS Release 9.4 do not support data plane validation. The Functional Audit Results screens do not display data plane validation information if any device in the service is running one of these Junos OS releases.