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Creating a Service Order Based on a Service Definition with a Template

Creating a service order using a service definition with service templates attached to it facilitates endpoint configuration.

By means of a template, a number of service attributes identified by the service definition designer can be not only applied as a group to one or more endpoints in a service order, but also, in some cases, edited. Some attributes can only be set by service provisioners. For this reason, service definition designers can make these values editable by the service provisioner during service order creation.

A service definition can have multiple templates attached to it. If you use a definition with more than one template, you are not obliged to apply the same settings to all endpoints. You can create a service order in which each endpoint is configured using a different template. In other words, each endpoint can use a subset of templates defined in the service definition, and there, template choice is per service order.

From a service provisioner’s perspective, the service template takes the form of a collection of flexible service attributes accessible through a link in the service order.

This topic describes how to work with a service template from within a service order, that is, while creating the service order.

These instructions assume that the service order is based on a service definition that has at least one template attached to it. The instructions apply to a definition with multiple templates, because the procedure for a definition with a single template is simpler.

To see if a definition has any templates before you begin creating a service order, view the details of the definition on the Service Settings page of the Select Service Definition field of Create Service Order. The presence or absence of an attached Service Template is indicated below Name and Type.

To configure a service order based on a service definition with multiple templates:

  1. To start creating a service order, follow the instructions in the topic listed below that is relevant to your service order type :
  2. At the Node Parameters page, with an endpoint selected, make the appropriate selection or enter the appropriate data (guidelines for this are in Creating an E-Line Service Order).
  3. (Optional for a service definition containing multiple templates). Examine all the attributes in all the templates to determine whether to apply all templates to all endpoints. You can delete templates and add templates back at will.
  4. To display and, if necessary, edit the attributes a page contains, select the page in the panel on the left.

    On the right, underneath the name of the page, appear the attributes on the selected page of the template.

    Usually the names of the attributes are ambiguous (for example, “description,”), therefore you must mouse over the field next to the name to see its context in the DMI schema hierarchy.

  5. For each page in each applicable template, make the appropriate changes in the field on the right.
  6. (Optional) If you determine that one of the templates contained in the definition is superfluous, select it in the panel on the left.

    The name of the first page of the template appears at the top of the panel on the right.

  7. Click the red “X” icon near the top of the panel on the left.

    The template disappears.


    If you delete a template by mistake, you can add it again. Click the green “+” icon.

    The Add Template window appears, displaying a list of all the templates previously deleted from the current endpoint’s group of flexible service attributes.

    Select the templates you want to add, and click Add Template.

    The Flexible Service Attributes window reappears, displaying the newly added templates

  8. When you have finished configuring the current endpoint’s group of flexible service attributes, click OK.

    The Endpoint Settings page reappears.

  9. (Optional) Repeat the preceding steps for other endpoints.

To verify your work:

  1. In Deploy mode, select a service from the Service View pane, and navigate to Service Provisioning > Deploy Services in the task pane, select the service you deployed, and select View Service Configuration Change from the Actions drawer.

    The Service Configuration window opens.

  2. Select the appropriate device from the panel on the left.

    If a template was deployed to the device, the Template Configuration tab appears to the right of the Service Configuration tab.

  3. Click the Template Configuration tab to display the configlet that was deployed as a result of the template.