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Top APs by Session Monitor

The Top APs by Session monitor provides summary and detailed information about the wireless access points with the most active sessions within the node selected in the View pane. This monitor is available in the Client tab.

Top APs by Session Summary

The summary view of the Top APs by Session monitor displays a bar chart of the wireless access points with the most active sessions within the node selected in the View pane. The wireless access points are shown on the vertical axis. The number of sessions is shown on the horizontal axis.

Top APs by Session Details

To see detailed information about the top wireless access points by sessions, click the Details button in the monitor title bar. Table 1 describes the information in the Top APs by Sessions window.

Table 1: Top APs by Sessions Window



AP Name

Wireless access point name.

Serial Number

Wireless access point serial number.

WLC Controller

Wireless controller that controls the wireless access point.


Location of the wireless access point.

Number of Sessions

Number of active sessions on the wireless access point.

Bandwidth (KBytes)

Wireless access point bandwidth.