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Equipment Summary By Type Monitor

The Equipment Summary By Type monitor provides summary and detailed information about the type and number of devices in the scope selected in the View pane. This monitor is available on the Summary tab in Monitor mode.

Equipment Summary By Type

The summary view of the Equipment Summary By Type monitor shows the distribution of device types in the selected scope. Routers in a Virtual Chassis are counted separately from standalone routers.

Mouse over a segment of the pie chart to see the actual number of devices of that type. Click the details icon to open the Equipment Summary By Type Detail View window.

Equipment Summary By Type Details

The Equipment Summary By Type Detail View window provides details about the distribution of device types in the selected scope. Each table row represents a device type. Device types are defined by the combination of a device family, platform, and operating system version (for some device types). See Table 1 for a description of the table columns.

Table 1: Equipment Summary By Type Detail View

Table Column


Device Family

Device family.


Device platform.

OS Version

Operating system version running on the device.

Device Type

Device type.


Number of devices of this platform in the selected scope.