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Viewing the Brownfield Job

Starting in Release 2.1R1, Connectivity Services Director initiates the brownfield job immediately after the device discovery. The Brownfield Job window displays the job and the device details. To open the Brownfield Job window double-click the brownfield job name in the Job Management table. The following table describes the information provided in the Brownfield Job page:

Table 1: Brownfield Job Page Fields

Table Column


Job Name

Job name (user-created)

Job Start Time

Job’s actual start time

Job End Time

Time when the job ended

Percentage Completed

Percentage of the job that is complete

Job Status

Job status. The possible states are:

  • CANCELLED—The job was cancelled by a user.

  • FAILURE—The job failed. This state is applied if any of the devices in the job failed. But some of the devices might have completed successfully. View the job details for the status of each device.

  • INPROGRESS—The job is running.

  • SCHEDULED—The job is scheduled but has not run yet.

  • SUCCESS—The job completed successfully. This state is applied if all of the devices in the job completed successfully.


The devices section lists device details such as device name, IP address of the device, job status of the device, job start and end times and the summary of the brownfield job. For a successful job, the summary column displays the message “Brownfield is Successful”. For a job that is skipped, the summary column lists the error or warning message along with a View link. Double-click on the View link to open the Brownfield Errors page, which displays the device profile name along with the error associated with that device.

Change History Table

Feature support is determined by the platform and release you are using. Use Feature Explorer to determine if a feature is supported on your platform.

Starting in Release 2.1R1, Connectivity Services Director initiates the brownfield job immediately after the device discovery.