CN2 Pipeline Test Management
SUMMARY This section covers tasks that are specific to managing the test cases.
Trigger the CN2 Pipeline Test
Any valid commit automatically triggers the CN2 pipeline test. For the commit to be valid, you need to do the following:
Change Commit Threshold Trigger
Use this procedure to change the commit threshold trigger.
Change Test Profiles
Use this procedure to change test profiles. This mapping configuration contains the workflow template to CN2 resource kind mapping. Only one template is selected for execution and the first map that matches has the higher priority. An asterisk (*) in kind: ['*'] has higher priority than any other kind matches and overrides every mapping.
Identify CN2 Pipeline Test Trigger
After installing CN2 pipeline, every valid commit in a given branch and folder will
trigger the CN2 test. There is a commit processing workflow triggered after every
commit that starts from resource-*, for example where the
value exists. This processes the commit and
validates the commit against the threshold value and Argo CD synchronize.
The commit processing workflow looks like this:
resource-workflow-5547v-3345460271 0/2 Completed 0 11h
The actual test workflow starts from CN2 and looks like this:
cn2-test-workflow-zfhtf-4049010958 0/2 Completed 0 13h
Access Test Results
You can access the test results in HTML format from the GUI.
To access test results, enter the following in your browser:
Uninstall the CN2 Pipeline
Use this procedure to uninstall and delete the CN2 pipeline.
To uninstall CN2 pipeline, run this command:
helm uninstall cn2-pipeline
kubectl patch -n argo-events eventsource/gitlab -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":[]}}' --type=merge kubectl patch -n argo-events sensor/gitlab -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":[]}}' --type=merge kubectl patch -n argo-events eventbus/default -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":[]}}' --type=merge kubectl patch -n argocd -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":[]}}' --type=merge