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Prepare the Ansible Control Machine

Use this example procedure to set up the ansible control machine. We use ansible and kubespray to set up the cluster.

We provide this example procedure purely for informational purposes. There may be other ways to prepare the machine. See the respective third-party documentation for each of the packages installed.

  1. Install a fresh OS on the ansible control machine, configuring the OS minimally for the following:
    • static IP address and mask ( in our single cluster example) and gateway
    • access to one or more DNS servers
    • SSH connectivity including root SSH access
    • NTP
    The ansible control machine used in our examples is running a Ubuntu OS.
  2. Install ansible.
  3. Install kubectl. In this procedure, we run kubectl on the ansible control machine. If you want to run kubectl on another machine (for example, your local computer), download and install kubectl on that machine instead.
    • Set up and update the Kubernetes repository.
    • Install kubectl.
  4. Install Helm 3.0 or later if you want to install Contrail Analytics.
    • Set up and update the Helm repository.

    • Install Helm.