Lens Install with CN2 Extension
SUMMARY This document describes the install procedure for both Lens and the CN2 extension for Lens, as well as how to connect a Juniper Cloud-Native Contrail® Networking™ (CN2) cluster to Lens.
Lens is an integrated development environment (IDE) for Kubernetes. The Lens open source tool is implemented as an interface to manage, monitor, and troubleshoot Contrail Networking clusters. Benefits include:
- Ease of usability and rich end-user experience.
- Unified, secure, multi-cluster management on any platform: support for hundreds of clusters.
- Standalone application: no need to install anything in-cluster.
- Real-time cluster state visualization.
- Resource utilization charts and trends with history powered by built-in Prometheus.
- Smart terminal access to nodes and containers.
- Clusters can be local (for example, minikube) or external (for example, EKS, GKE, AKS).
Install Lens
Use the following steps to download and install Lens.
Download and Install CN2 Extension for Lens
The CN2 extension is a Lens Custom Extension.
- Lens extensions are used to add custom visualizations and functionality to accelerate development workflows for all the technologies and services that integrate with Kubernetes.
- Extensions are a plug-in uploaded directly to the Lens UI.
- Extensions are developed using the Lens Extensions API.
Use the following steps to install the CN2 extension for Lens:
Connect Your Cloud-Native Contrail Networking Cluster to Lens
Use the following steps to connect your Contrail Networking cluster to Lens.
Uninstall the CN2 Extension
To uninstall the CN2 extension: