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Native VLAN

Starting in Juniper Cloud-Native Router Release 23.1, Cloud-Native Router supports receiving and forwarding untagged packets on a trunk interface. Typically, trunk ports accept only tagged packets, and the untagged packets are dropped. You can enable a Cloud-Native Router fabric trunk port to accept untagged packets by configuring a native VLAN identifier (ID) on the interface on which you want the untagged packets to be received. When a Cloud-Native Router fabric trunk port is enabled to accept untagged packets, such packets are forwarded in the native VLAN domain.

Native VLAN

Enable the native-vlan-id key in the Helm chart, at the time of deployment, to configure the VLAN identifier and associate it with untagged data packets received on the fabric trunk interface. Edit the values.yaml file in Juniper_Cloud_Native_Router_<release-number>/helmchart directory and add the key native-vlan-id along with a value for it. For example:


After editing the values.yaml file, you have to install or upgrade Cloud-Native Router using the edited values.yaml to ensure that the native-vlan-id key is enabled.

To verify, if native VLAN is enabled for an interface, connect to the vRouter agent by executing the command kubectl exec -it -n contrail contrail-vrouter-<agent container> -- bash command, and then run the command vif --get <interface index id>. A sample output is shown below: