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Resolved Issues

This section provides information about issues that were resolved between releases 23.2 and 23.3.

Resolved Issues in Juniper Cloud-Native Router Release 23.3

  • JCNR-4342: The vRouter does not persist latest interface configuration on pod restart or crash—Previously, if interfaces having an IP configuration prior to JCNR deployment, and post-deployment if the interfaces were configured via the cRPD, the vRouter would not persist the latest configuration on pod restart or crash. The latest interface configuration should have to be manually applied via the cRPD after the vRouter restarts. This issue is now resolved.

  • JCNR-4348: IPv4 and IPv6 traceroute via JCNR is not working with bgp unnumbered underlay.—Previously, when JCNR was deployed between two provider edge routers, the IPv4 and IPv6 traceroute would not work with BGP underlay. In case of BGP unnumbered, interfaces didn’t have v4 or v6 routable addresses. This issue is now resolved.