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Manage Juniper Cloud-Native Router

SUMMARY This topic provides high-level information about the available upgrade, downgrade and uninstall options for JCNR.

Upgrading JCNR

You can upgrade from JCNR release 23.2 to 23.3 using the following steps:

  1. Download the tarball, Juniper_Cloud_Native_Router_release_number.tgz, to the directory of your choice. You must perform the file transfer in binary mode when transferring the file to your server, so that the compressed tar file expands properly.

  2. Expand the file Juniper_Cloud_Native_Router_release-number.tgz.

  3. Change directory to Juniper_Cloud_Native_Router_release-number.

    Note: All remaining steps in the upgrade assume that your current working directory is now Juniper_Cloud_Native_Router_release-number.
  4. Customize the helm chart for your deployment using the helmchart/values.yaml file to match the helm chart configuration in your current installation.

  5. Deploy the Juniper Cloud-Native Router using the helm chart. Navigate to the helmchart directory and run the following command:

  6. Confirm Juniper Cloud-Native Router deployment.

Downgrading JCNR

Currently, there is no procedure for downgrading to an older version. To change from a current version to an older version, you must uninstall the current version and install an older version.

Uninstalling JCNR

JCNR can be uninstalled by using the following command:

Uninstalling JCNR restores interfaces to their original state by unbinding from DPDK and binding back to the original driver. It also delete contents of JCNR directories, deletes cRPD created interfaces and removes any Kubernetes objects created for JCNR.


The jcnr namespace is not deleted as a part of the helm uninstallation and must be deleted manually.

After the triggering of helm uninstall command, please wait for all Kubernetes resources to be fully deleted before attempting a re-installation. Premature re-installation can lead to installation stalls and may require manual steps for recovery. ​The recovery steps are provided below:

Renewing JCNR License

When your JCNR license expires, you will receive a License Expired notification. All JCNR features continue to work, but will cease to work the next time the cRPD pod restarts. To prevent this from occurring, contact your Juniper Networks representative as soon as possible to receive a new license.

When you receive your new license, update the jcnr-secrets.yaml file with