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Upgrade or Downgrade Options

This section provides high-level information about the available upgrade and downgrade options.

Upgrade from a Previous Version

Upgrade from a previous version to Juniper Cloud-Native Router Release 23.1 is supported.


Juniper Cloud-Native Router 23.1 release supports only L2 deployments. L3 deployments are not supported for this release.

To upgrade from an older version to Juniper Cloud-Native Router Release 23.1, perform the following steps:

  1. Download the tarball, Juniper_Cloud_Native_Router_23.1.tgz, to the directory of your choice.

  2. Expand the file Juniper_Cloud_Native_Router_23.1.tgz.

  3. Change directory to Juniper_Cloud_Native_Router_23.1.

  4. Load the JCNR docker images to local docker. The images are available in the Juniper_Cloud_Native_Router_<release-number>/images directory.

  5. Edit the helmchart/values.yaml file. You must edit the values.yaml file to match the current interface configurations on your currently deployed JCNR instance. For example,

  6. Upgrade the current version of JCNR to release 23.1 by issuing the following command:


Upgrading from an older release such as Juniper Cloud-Native Router Release 22.4 results in having a redundant pod—syslog-ng. Delete the older pod manually after the upgrade by using the kubectl -n jcnr delete pod <syslog-ng_pod_name> command.

Verify if Upgrade is Successful

Issue the command kubectl get pods -A. The output of the command shows all of the pods in the Kubernetes cluster in all namespaces. A successful upgrade shows that all pods display that they are in the running state. For example,

Downgrade to an Older Version

As of the 23.1 Release of Juniper Cloud-Native Router, there is no procedure for downgrading to an older version. To change from a current version to an older version, you must uninstall the current version and install an older version.