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Configuring a Network Device collaborative Protection Profile for an Authorized Administrator

An account for root is always present in a configuration and is not intended for use in normal operation. In the evaluated configuration, the root account is restricted to the initial installation and configuration of the evaluated device.

An NDcPP Version 2.2e authorized administrator must have all permissions, including the ability to change the router configuration.

To configure an authorized administrator:

  1. Create a login class named security-admin with all permissions.
  2. Configure the hashing algorithm used for password storage as sha512.

    For your security devices, the default password algorithm is sha512, and it is not necessary to configure the plain-text passwords for EX4100 Series devices.

  3. Commit the changes.
  4. Define your NDcPPv2.2e user authorized administrator with class defined in step 1.
  5. Load an SSH key file that was previously generated using ssh-keygen. This command loads RSA (SSH version 2), or ECDSA (SSH version 2).
  6. Set the log-key-changes configuration statement to log when SSH authentication keys are added or removed.

    When the log-key-changes configuration statement is enabled and committed (with the commit command in configuration mode), Junos OS logs the changes to the set of authorized SSH keys for each user (including the keys that were added or removed). Junos OS logs the differences since the last time the log-key-changes configuration statement was enabled. If the log-key-changes configuration statement was never enabled, then Junos OS logs all the authorized SSH keys.

  7. Commit the changes.

For details on how to start with shell mode, see Overview for Junos OS Guide.


The root password should be reset following the change to sha256 / sha512 for the password storage format. This ensures the new password is protected using a sha256 / sha512 hash. To reset the root password, use set system root-authentication plain-text-password password command, and confirm the new password when prompted.