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show subscribers



Display information for active subscribers.


detail | extensive | terse

(Optional) Display the specified level of output.


(Optional) Display subscribers whose IP address matches the specified address. You must specify the IPv4 or IPv6 address prefix without a netmask (for example, If you specify the IP address as a prefix with a netmask (for example,, the router displays a message that the IP address is invalid, and rejects the command.

accounting-statistics id session-id

(Optional) Display accurate subscriber accounting statistics for a subscriber session with the specified ID. Requires the actual-transmit-statistics statement to be configured in the dynamic profile for the dynamic logical interface. If the statement is not configured, a value of 0 is displayed for accounting statistics.


(Optional) Display all dynamic subscriber sessions whose ACI value matches the specified string. You can specify either the complete ACI string or a substring. To specify a substring, you must enter characters that form the beginning of the string, followed by an asterisk (*) as a wildcard to substitute for the remainder of the string. The wildcard can be used only at the end of the specified substring; for example:


(Optional) Display all dynamic subscriber sessions whose ARI value matches the specified string. You must specify the complete ACI string; you cannot specify a wildcard.

aggregation-interface-set-name interface-set-name

(Optional) Display summary information for the specified aggregation node interface set, including interface, VLAN ID, username and LS:RI.


(Optional) Display subscribers whose client type matches one of the following client types:

  • dhcp—DHCP clients only.

  • dotlx—Dotlx clients only.

  • essm—ESSM clients only.

  • fixed-wireless-access—Fixed wireless access clients only.

  • fwauth—FwAuth (authenticated across a firewall) clients only.

  • l2tp—L2TP clients only.

  • mlppp—MLPPP clients only.

  • ppp—PPP clients only.

  • pppoe—PPPoE clients only.

  • static—Static clients only.

  • vlan—VLAN clients only.

  • vlan-oob—VLAN out-of-band (ANCP-triggered) clients only.

  • vpls-pw—VPLS pseudowire clients only.

  • xauth—Xauth clients only.


(Optional) Display the count of total subscribers and active subscribers for any specified option. You can use the count option alone or with the address, client-type, interface, logical-system, mac-address, profile-name, routing-instance, stacked-vlan-id, subscriber-state, or vlan-id options.

id session-id

(Optional) Display a specific subscriber session whose session ID matches the specified subscriber ID. You can display subscriber IDs by using the show subscribers extensive or the show subscribers interface extensive commands.


(Optional) Display subscribers whose interface matches the specified interface.

interface accounting-statistics

(Optional) Display subscriber accounting statistics for the specified interface. Requires the actual-transmit-statistics statement to be configured in the dynamic profile for the dynamic logical interface.


(Optional) Display subscribers whose logical system matches the specified logical system.


(Optional) Display subscribers whose MAC address matches the specified MAC address.


(Optional) Display subscribers whose physical interface matches the specified physical interface.


(Optional) Display subscribers whose dynamic profile matches the specified profile name.


(Optional) Display subscribers whose routing instance matches the specified routing instance.


(Optional) Display subscribers whose stacked VLAN ID matches the specified stacked VLAN ID.


(Optional) Display subscribers whose subscriber state matches the specified subscriber state (ACTIVE, CONFIGURED, INIT, TERMINATED, or TERMINATING).


(Optional) Display subscribers whose username matches the specified subscriber name.


(Optional) Display active ATM subscribers whose ATM virtual circuit identifier (VCI) matches the specified VCI identifier. The range of values is 0 through 255.


(Optional) Display active ATM subscribers whose ATM virtual path identifier (VPI) matches the specified VPI identifier. The range of values is 0 through 65,535.


(Optional) Display subscribers whose VLAN ID matches the specified VLAN ID, regardless of whether the subscriber uses a single-tagged or double-tagged VLAN. For subscribers using a double-tagged VLAN, this option displays subscribers where the inner VLAN tag matches the specified VLAN ID. To display only subscribers where the specified value matches only double-tagged VLANs, use the stacked-vlan-id stacked-vlan-id option to match the outer VLAN tag.


Because of display limitations, logical system and routing instance output values are truncated when necessary.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show subscribers command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show subscribers Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description


Interface associated with the subscriber. The router or switch displays subscribers whose interface matches or begins with the specified interface.

The * character indicates a continuation of addresses for the same session.

IP Address/VLAN ID

Subscriber IP address or VLAN ID associated with the subscriber in the form tpid.vlan-id

No IP address or VLAN ID is assigned to an L2TP tunnel-switched session. For these subscriber sessions the value is Tunnel-switched.

User Name

Name of subscriber.


Logical system and routing instance associated with the subscriber.


Subscriber client type (DHCP, FWA, GRE, L2TP, PPP, PPPoE, STATIC-INTERFACE, VLAN).

IP Address

Subscriber IPv4 address.

IP Netmask

Subscriber IP netmask.

This field displays by default. For tunneled or terminated PPP subscribers only, this field displays the actual value of Framed-IP-Netmask when the SDB_FRAMED_PROTOCOL attribute in the session database is equal to AUTHD_FRAMED_PROTOCOL_PPP. This occurs in the use case where the LNS generates access-internal routes when it receives Framed-IP-Netmask from RADIUS during authorization. When it receives Framed-Pool from RADIUS, the pool mask is ignored and the default /32 mask is used.

Primary DNS Address

IP address of primary DNS server.

This field is displayed with the extensive option only when the address is provided by RADIUS.

Secondary DNS Address

IP address of secondary DNS server.

This field is displayed with the extensive option only when the address is provided by RADIUS.

IPv6 Primary DNS Address

IPv6 address of primary DNS server.

This field is displayed with the extensive option only when the address is provided by RADIUS.

IPv6 Secondary DNS Address

IPv6 address of secondary DNS server.

This field is displayed with the extensive option only when the address is provided by RADIUS.

Domain name server inet

IP addresses for the DNS server, displayed in order of configuration.

This field is displayed with the extensive option only when the addresses are derived from the access profile or the global access configuration.

Domain name server inet6

IPv6 addresses for the DNS server, displayed in order of configuration.

This field is displayed with the extensive option only when the addresses are derived from the access profile or the global access configuration.

Primary WINS Address

IP address of primary WINS server.

Secondary WINS Address

IP address of secondary WINS server.

IPv6 Address

Subscriber IPv6 address, or multiple addresses.

IPv6 Prefix

Subscriber IPv6 prefix. If you are using DHCPv6 prefix delegation, this is the delegated prefix.

IPv6 User Prefix

IPv6 prefix obtained through NDRA.

IPv6 Address Pool

Subscriber IPv6 address pool. The IPv6 address pool is used to allocate IPv6 prefixes to the DHCPv6 clients.

IPv6 Network Prefix Length

Length of the network portion of the IPv6 address.

IPv6 Prefix Length

Length of the subscriber IPv6 prefix.

Logical System

Logical system associated with the subscriber.

Routing Instance

Routing instance associated with the subscriber.


(Enhanced subscriber management for MX Series routers) Name of the enhanced subscriber management logical interface, in the form demux0.nnnn (for example, demux0.3221225472), to which access-internal and framed subscriber routes are mapped.

Interface Type

Whether the subscriber interface is Static or Dynamic.

Interface Set

Internally generated name of the dynamic ACI or ALI interface set used by the subscriber session. The prefix of the name indicates the string received in DHCP or PPPoE control packets on which the interface set is based. For ALI interface sets, the prefix indicates that the value is configured as a trusted option to identify the subscriber line.

The name of the interface set uses one of the following prefixes:

  • aci—ACI; for example, aci-1033-demux0.3221225524. This is the only prefix allowed for ACI interface sets.

  • ari—ARI; for example, ari-1033-demux0.3221225524.

  • aci+ari—Both the ACI and ARI; for example, aci+ari-1033-demux0.3221225524.

  • noids—Neither the ACI nor the ARI were received; for example, noids-1033-demux0.3221225524.


ACI interface sets are configured with the agent-circuit-identifier autoconfiguration stanza. ALI interface sets are configured with the line-identity autoconfiguration stanza.

Besides dynamic ACI and ALI interface sets, this field can be an interface set based on a substring of the ARI string. This occurs when the dynamic profile includes the predefined variable $junos-pon-id-interface-set-name, and the profile is applied for a passive optical network (PON). The ARI string is inserted by the optical line terminal (OLT). The final substring in the string, unique for the PON, identifies individual subscriber circuits, and is used as the name of the interface set.

Interface Set Type

Interface type of the ACI interface set: Dynamic. This is the only ACI interface set type currently supported.

Interface Set Session ID

Identifier of the dynamic ACI interface set entry in the session database.

Underlying Interface

Name of the underlying interface for the subscriber session.

Dynamic Profile Name

Dynamic profile used for the subscriber.

Dynamic Profile Version

Version number of the dynamic profile used for the subscriber.

MAC Address

MAC address associated with the subscriber.


Current state of the subscriber session (Init, Configured, Active, Terminating, Tunneled).

L2TP State

Current state of the L2TP session, Tunneled or Tunnel-switched. When the value is Tunnel-switched, two entries are displayed for the subscriber; the first entry is at the LNS interface on the LTS and the second entry is at the LAC interface on the LTS.

Tunnel switch Profile Name

Name of the L2TP tunnel switch profile that initiates tunnel switching.

Local IP Address

IP address of the local gateway (LAC).

Remote IP Address

IP address of the remote peer (LNS).


Forwarding flow identifier.


VLAN ID associated with the subscriber in the form tpid.vlan-id.

Stacked VLAN Id

Stacked VLAN ID associated with the subscriber in the form tpid.vlan-id.

RADIUS Accounting ID

RADIUS accounting ID associated with the subscriber.

Agent Circuit ID

For the dhcp client type, option 82 agent circuit ID associated with the subscriber. The ID is displayed as an ASCII string unless the value has nonprintable characters, in which case it is displayed in hexadecimal format.

For the vlan-oob client type, the agent circuit ID or access-loop circuit identifier that identifies the subscriber line based on the subscriber-facing DSLAM interface on which the subscriber request originates.

Agent Remote ID

For the dhcp client type, option 82 agent remote ID associated with the subscriber. The ID is displayed as an ASCII string unless the value has nonprintable characters, in which case it is displayed in hexadecimal format.

For the vlan-oob client type, the agent remote ID or access-loop remote identifier that identifies the subscriber line based on the NAS-facing DSLAM interface on which the subscriber request originates.

Aggregation Interface-set Name

Value of the $junos-aggregation-interface-set-name predefined variable; one of the following:

  • When the hierarchical-access-network-detection option is configured for the access lines and the value of the Access-Aggregation-Circuit-ID-ASCII attribute (TLV 0x0003) received either in the ANCP Port Up message or PPPoE PADR IA tags begins with a # character, then the variable takes the value of the remainder of the string after the # character.

  • When the hierarchical-access-network-detection option is not configured, or if the sting does not begin with the # character, then the variable takes the value specified with the predefined-variable-defaults statement.

Accounting Statistics

Actual transmitted subscriber accounting statistics by session ID or interface. Service accounting statistics are not included. These statistics do not include overhead bytes or dropped packets; they are the accurate statistics used by RADIUS. The statistics are counted when the actual-transmit-statistics statement is included in the dynamic profile.

DHCP Relay IP Address

IP address used by the DHCP relay agent.

Login Time

Date and time at which the subscriber logged in.

DHCPV6 Options

len = number of hex values in the message. The hex values specify the type, length, value (TLV) for DHCPv6 options.

Server DHCP Options

len = number of hex values in the message. The hex values specify the type, length, value (TLV) for DHCP options.

Server DHCPV6 Options

len = number of hex values in the message. The hex values specify the type, length, value (TLV) for DHCPv6 options.

DHCPV6 Header

len = number of hex values in the message. The hex values specify the type, length, value (TLV) for DHCPv6 options.

Effective shaping-rate

Actual downstream traffic shaping rate for the subscriber, in kilobits per second.

IPv4 Input Service Set

Input service set in access dynamic profile.

IPv4 Output Service Set

Output service set in access dynamic profile.

PCEF Profile

PCEF profile in access dynamic profile.

PCEF Rule/Rulebase

PCC rule or rulebase used in dynamic profile.

Dynamic configuration

Values for variables that are passed into the dynamic profile from RADIUS.

Service activation time

Time at which the first family in this service became active.

IPv4 rpf-check Fail Filter Name

Name of the filter applied by the dynamic profile to IPv4 packets that fail the RPF check.

IPv6 rpf-check Fail Filter Name

Name of the filter applied by the dynamic profile to IPv6 packets that fail the RPF check.

DHCP Options

len = number of hex values in the message. The hex values specify the type, length, value (TLV) for DHCP options, as defined in RFC 2132.

Session ID

ID number for a subscriber session.

Underlying Session ID

For DHCPv6 subscribers on a PPPoE network, displays the session ID of the underlying PPPoE interface.

Service Sessions

Number of service sessions (that is, a service activated using RADIUS CoA) associated with the subscribers.

Service Session ID

ID number for a subscriber service session.

Service Session Name

Service session profile name.

Session Timeout (seconds)

Number of seconds of access provided to the subscriber before the session is automatically terminated.

Idle Timeout (seconds)

Number of seconds subscriber can be idle before the session is automatically terminated.

IPv6 Delegated Address Pool

Name of the pool used for DHCPv6 prefix delegation.

IPv6 Delegated Network Prefix Length

Length of the prefix configured for the IPv6 delegated address pool.

IPv6 Interface Address

Address assigned by the Framed-Ipv6-Prefix AAA attribute. This field is displayed only when the predefined variable $junos-ipv6-address is used in the dynamic profile.

IPv6 Framed Interface Id

Interface ID assigned by the Framed-Interface-Id AAA attribute.

ADF IPv4 Input Filter Name

Name assigned to the Ascend-Data-Filter (ADF) interface IPv4 input filter (client or service session). The filter name is followed by the rules (in hexadecimal format) associated with the ADF filter and the decoded rule in Junos OS filter style.

ADF IPv4 Output Filter Name

Name assigned to the Ascend-Data-Filter (ADF) interface IPv4 output filter (client or service session). The filter name is followed by the rules (in hexadecimal format) associated with the ADF filter and the decoded rule in Junos OS filter style.

ADF IPv6 Input Filter Name

Name assigned to the Ascend-Data-Filter (ADF) interface IPv6 input filter (client or service session). The filter name is followed by the rules (in hexadecimal format) associated with the ADF filter and the decoded rule in Junos OS filter style.

ADF IPv6 Output Filter Name

Name assigned to the Ascend-Data-Filter (ADF) interface IPv6 output filter (client or service session). The filter name is followed by the rules (in hexadecimal format) associated with the ADF filter and the decoded rule in Junos OS filter style.

IPv4 Input Filter Name

Name assigned to the IPv4 input filter (client or service session).

IPv4 Output Filter Name

Name assigned to the IPv4 output filter (client or service session).

IPv6 Input Filter Name

Name assigned to the IPv6 input filter (client or service session).

IPv6 Output Filter Name

Name assigned to the IPv6 output filter (client or service session).

IFL Input Filter Name

Name assigned to the logical interface input filter (client or service session).

IFL Output Filter Name

Name assigned to the logical interface output filter (client or service session).

DSL type

PPPoE subscriber’s access line type reported by the PPPoE intermediate agent in a PADI or PADO packet in the Vendor-Specific-Tags TLV in subattribute DSL-Type (0x0091). The DSL type is one of the following types: ADSL, ADSL2, ADSL2+, OTHER, SDSL, VDSL, or VDSL2.

Frame/Cell Mode

Mode type of the PPPoE subscriber’s access line determined by the PPPoE daemon based on the received subattribute DSL-Type (0x0091):

  • Cell—When the DSL line type is one of the following: ADSL, ADSL2, or ADSL2+.

  • Frame—When the DSL line type is one of the following: OTHER, SDSL, VDSL, or VDSL2.

The value is stored in the subscriber session database.

Overhead accounting bytes

Number of bytes added to or subtracted from the actual downstream cell or frame overhead to account for the technology overhead of the DSL line type. The value is determined by the PPPoE daemon based on the received subattribute DSL-Type (0x0091). The value is stored in the subscriber session database.

Actual upstream data rate

Unadjusted upstream data rate for the PPPoE subscriber’s access line reported by the PPPoE intermediate agent in a PADI or PADO packet in the Vendor-Specific-Tags TLV in subattribute Actual-Net-Data-Rate-Upstream (0x0081).

Actual downstream data rate

Unadjusted downstream data rate for the PPPoE subscriber’s access line reported by the PPPoE intermediate agent in a PADI or PADO packet in the Vendor-Specific-Tags TLV in subattribute Actual-Net-Data-Rate-Downstream (0x0082).

Adjusted downstream data rate

Adjusted downstream data rate for the PPPoE subscriber’s access line, calculated by the PPPoE daemon and stored in the subscriber session database.

Adjusted upstream data rate

Adjusted upstream data rate for the PPPoE subscriber’s access line, calculated by the PPPoE daemon and stored in the subscriber session database.

Local TEID-U

Tunnel endpoint identifier on the BNG for the GTP-U user plane tunnel to the eNodeB. The identifier is allocated by the BNG.

A fully qualified local TEID-C consists of this identifier and the GTPU Tunnel Local IP address value.

Local TEID-C

Tunnel endpoint identifier on the BNG for the GTP-C control plane tunnel to the MME. The identifier is allocated by the BNG.

A fully qualified local TEID-C consists of this identifier and the GTPC Local IP address value.

Remote TEID-U

Tunnel endpoint identifier on the eNodeB for the GTP-U user plane tunnel to the BNG. The identifier is allocated by the eNodeB.

A fully qualified remote TEID-U consists of this identifier and the GTPU Tunnel Remote IP address value.

Remote TEID-C

Tunnel endpoint identifier on the MME for the GTP-C control plane tunnel to the BNG. The identifier is allocated by the MME.

A fully qualified remote TEID-C consists of this identifier and the GTPC Remote IP address value.

GTPU Tunnel Remote IP address

IP address of the S1-U interface on the eNodeB for the GTP-U tunnel endpoint.

A fully qualified remote TEID-U consists of this address and the Remote TEID-U value.

GTPU Tunnel Local IP address

IP address of the S1-U interface on the BNG for the GTP-U tunnel endpoint.

A fully qualified local TEID-U consists of this address and the Local TEID-U value

GTPC Remote IP address

IP address of the S11 interface on the MME for the GTP-C tunnel endpoint.

A fully qualified remote TEID-C consists of this address and the Remote TEID-C value.

GTPC Local IP address

IP address of the S11 interface on the BNG for the GTP-C tunnel endpoint.

A fully qualified local TEID-C consists of this address and the Local TEID-C value.

Access Point Name

Access point name (APN) for the user equipment. The APN corresponds to the connection and service parameters that the subscriber’s mobile device can use for connecting to the carrier’s gateway to the Internet.


Name of the tenant system. You can create multiple tenant system administrators for a tenant system with different permission levels based on your requirements.

User Plane id

ID number for the BNG User Plane that the subscriber belongs to.

User Plane Name

Name of the BNG User Plane that the subscriber belongs to.

Routing instance

Name of the routing instance. When a custom routing instance is created for a tenant system, all the interfaces defined in that tenant system are added to that routing instance.

Dynamic Profile Version Alias

Configured name for a specific variation of a base dynamic profile. IT’s presence indicates that the profile configuration is different from that of the base profile. The value is conveyed to the RADIUS server during authentication in the Client-Profile-Name VSA (26–4874–174).

Sample Output

show subscribers detail (DHCP)

show subscribers accounting-statistics id

show subscribers client-type (PPPoE)

show subscribers client-type (DHCP)