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How to Use the Juniper BNG CUPS Controller Utility and CLI Commands

Access Juniper BNG CUPS Controller Utility Commands

SUMMARY After you have installed Juniper BNG CUPS Controller (BNG CUPS Controller), you can perform numerous administrative functions.

Use the BNG CUPS Controller utility script (dbng) to administer the application and to access the CLI that you use for configuring operations. The BNG CUPS Controller installation places the utility script in /usr/local/bin.

The dbng utility script performs the tasks you need to do to manage BNG CUPS but masks the complexity of the kubectl command. This masking of the kubectl commands simplifies your administrative duties.

The dbng utility script uses the Kubernetes kubectl utility commands to do the following:

  • Create and delete objects.
  • Provide log access.
  • Conduct interactive sessions with pod containers.
  • Display the status of the BNG CUPS Controller objects.

Table 1 lists the commands that you can invoke with the dbng utility script and describes the action that each command initiates.

Table 1: BNG CUPS Controller Utility Script Commands

Command Name



Gives you access to the CLI that you can use to configure BNG CUPS Controller features.

ip Shows the IP address required to reach BNG CUPS Controller.


Displays BNG CUPS Controller logs.

restart Restarts a specific BNG CUPS Controller service. This command offers the following options:
  • cp—BNG CUPS Controller instance service

  • scache—State cache service


Sets up the BNG CUPS Controller application as part of the installation process. To run this command, you need sudo root privileges.

shell Connects to the BNG CUPS Controller shell prompt.


Starts a specific BNG CUPS Controller service or all BNG CUPS Controller services.


Displays the current status of the BNG CUPS Controller services.


Stops all BNG CUPS Controller services.


Removes the BNG CUPS Controller application from the local system. To run this command, you need sudo root privileges.


Displays the version number of the installed BNG CUPS Controller application.

Use the following general syntax to issue a command:

  • For a short option:

  • For a long option:

To display a list of available commands with a brief description, use either the h or help option:

To display the options for a specific command:

Start or Stop BNG CUPS Controller Services

Use the dbng utility script to start or stop all BNG CUPS Controller services. The services start in order of dependency. Essential services (db and cmgd) start first, followed by the other services. The services stop in reverse order of dependency.

  • Execute this command to start all BNG CUPS Controller services:


    We recommend that you use the ––services option to start individual services or a set of services only for troubleshooting under the guidance of a Juniper Networks support representative.

  • Execute this command to stop all BNG CUPS Controller services:

Check the Status of BNG CUPS Controller Services

Use the dbng status utility script to check the status of each BNG CUPS Controller service (functional component) listed inTable 2. The status shows whether a service is running, has exited, or has not started.

Table 2: Services Displayed with the Status Command



cp The BNG CUPS Controller instance service—Implements the subscriber management control plane, which includes control plane protocols; authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA); and supporting infrastructure.
scache The state cache service—Provides an on-cluster backing storage for subscriber service states generated by the cp service. Use this service for state recovery in the event of a restart of the cp service.

To check the status of controller services, display the service status:

For example:

Display BNG CUPS Controller Logging

Use the dbng logs utility script to display the log of different events that occur while BNG CUPS Controller is running.

To display BNG CUPS Controller logs, execute this command to report logs for all services:

You can use standard Ubuntu conventions to redirect the logs to a file or to the terminal and to a file. Refer to the Ubuntu documentation for more information, but you can use the following examples as a starting point:

  • Redirect all logs to a file only.

  • Redirect all logs to both the screen and to a file.

Best Practice:

The ––services option is only for troubleshooting under the guidance of a Juniper Networks support representative.

You can specify any of the following severity levels for logs, listed below in order of increasing severity:

Table 3: Severity Level
Severity Level Description
debug Presents detailed information that is typically of interest only when you are trying to diagnose a problem. These logs are often very frequent.
info Logs events or non-error conditions of interest. Logs at this level provide confirmation that everything is working as expected. These logs are generally not very frequent.
warning Indicates that something unexpected happened or that some problem might occur in the near future. A simple example of the latter is the disk space low warning that indicates that you might run out of disk space soon. In either case, the software is still working as expected, but you might want to monitor it more closely. These logs are generally not very frequent.
error Indicates a more serious problem that prevented the software from performing some function. The software has handled the problem as gracefully as possible to continue functioning.
critical Alerts you to a serious error that may prevent the program from continuing to run.

Uninstall and Remove BNG CUPS Controller

Use the dbng utility script to uninstall the BNG CUPS Controller configuration. The uninstall command reverts the actions you performed when setting up BNG CUPS Controller. This script returns BNG CUPS Controller to the state it was in immediately after you installed the application but before you did any setup configuration.

To uninstall BNG CUPS Controller:

  1. On the primary node of the Kubernetes cluster, run the uninstall command.
  2. After you uninstall BNG CUPS Controller, we recommend that you use the Debian uninstall procedure to remove the entire package, as follows:


How to Access BNG CUPS Controller Configuration and Operational Commands

Access the BNG CUPS Controller CLI

You use the BNG CUPS Controller command-line interface (CLI) to configure BNG CUPS Controller and to monitor its operations. This section describes how to access the CLI.

To access the BNG CUPS Controller CLI prompt:

  1. Enter the following dbng utility script command.
  2. Enter a question mark to see the available top-level CLI commands. This command yields a subset of the Junos OS top-level commands.

    The CLI available for BNG CUPS Controller is a subset of the Junos OS CLI. For an overview of Junos OS CLI basics, see Day One: Exploring the Junos CLI. For more detailed information, see the CLI User Guide.

Access and Use CLI Configuration Statements

You use configuration statements to configure, set, manage, and monitor BNG CUPS Controller properties.

To configure BNG CUPS Controller components:

  1. Use the BNG CUPS Controller utility command dbng cli to access the top-level CLI prompt.
  2. Access configuration mode to configure BNG CUPS Controller and the information that BNG CUPS Controller uses to configure a managed router.
  3. Enter CLI statements to configure the Juniper BNG CUPS components (BNG CUPS Controller and BNG User Planes).
  4. Save and activate the configuration. This command succeeds only when no configuration syntax errors exist.
  5. (Optional) Exit configuration mode and return to the top-level CLI prompt.

    For a list of supported configuration statements, see Juniper BNG CUPS CLI Configuration Statements.

Access and Use CLI Operational Commands

You use operational commands to display the current status of Juniper BNG CUPS. You enter operational commands to monitor and to troubleshoot the BNG CUPS Controller and the BNG User Planes.

To monitor BNG CUPS Controller, view BNG CUPS Controller configuration and statistics, or run certain operations manually:

  1. Use the BNG CUPS Controller utility command dbng cli to access the top-level CLI prompt.
  2. Enter specific commands.
    • Use show commands to display statistical information.

    • Use request commands to manually initiate certain BNG CUPS Controller operations.

    For a list of supported operational commands, see Juniper BNG CUPS Operational Commands.