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show network-access aaa terminate-code



Display the count for termination cause types and the current mapping between session termination cause types and code values.



Display all mappings.

brief | detail | summary

(Optional) Display the specified level of output. The summary output is displayed by default and includes base count information about mappings. The brief output displays mappings with non-zero usage count and custom mappings. The detail output displays all mappings.


(Optional) Limit display to AAA mappings only.


(Optional) Limit display to DHCP mappings only.


(Optional) Limit display to L2TP mappings only.


(Optional) Limit display to PPP mappings only.


(Optional) Display mapping of the code value conveyed in the RADIUS Acct-Terminate-Cause attribute (49) to the termination cause type.


(Optional) Limit display to VLAN mappings only.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show network-access aaa terminate-code command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show network-access aaa terminate-code Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output


RFC-defined code value conveyed in the RADIUS Acct-Terminate-Cause attribute (49) or a nonstandard, customized value that you configure with the terminate-code aaa statement at the [edit access] hierarchy level.

brief detail

None (with reverse option)


Whether or not the termination cause is a customized mapping or the default mapping.

All levels


Number of mappings that occurred for a specific terminate cause type or category (standard or summary output) or per termination cause (reverse output).

summary None


Number of times the terminate code mapping was used.

All levels


Termination cause type—null, aaa, dhcp, l2tp, ppp, or vlan.


The null termination cause type indicates that no termination reason was provided by the subscriber and the RADIUS Acct-Terminate-Cause attribute (49) was not included in the Acct-Stop request

All levels


Specific termination cause.

brief detail

Sample Output

show network-access aaa terminate-code

show network-access aaa terminate-code reverse

show network-access aaa terminate-code dhcp

show network-access aaa terminate-code detail

show network-access aaa terminate-code brief

show network-access aaa terminate-code summary

show network-access aaa terminate-code vlan

show network-access aaa terminate-code vlan detail