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Generalized Administrator Tasks for Juniper ATP Appliance On-Premise MTA Deployments

After installing a Juniper ATP Appliance Core or All-in-One system, both of which contain an Email Traffic Collector in the Core component, an admin will need to perform the following tasks:

  • open a firewall rule to allow emails from office 365/gmail to the mta (from * to JunipeATPmta_external_ip:25)

  • use the external ip address or fqdn of the mta to create a journal rule in office 365 (user@ or

  • configure mailbox name and mta ip from the Juniper ATP Appliance web interface in:

    • System Profiles > Email Collector > Add New Email Collector > Juniper ATP Appliance MTA Receiver

    • Configure Mitigation information To Auto-Mitigate: Environmental Settings > Email Mitigation Settings

  • ports used:

    • (Collection) Office 365 / Gmail / Exchange Connects To MTA using TCP:25 (Inbound) (TLS Can Be Enabled)

    • (Submission) MTA Connects To Core/CM Using TCP:443

    • (Mitigation) Core/cm Connects To Office 365/ Gmail Using TCP:443 (Outbound)