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Edit Cabling Map (Datacenter)

Situations when you might want to edit the cabling map include:

  • to use existing network cabling instead of recabling to the Apstra-prescribed cabling
  • to change interface names or IP addresses in the existing network cabling map
  • to specify a different port from the one that the Apstra cabling algorithm selected
  • to avoid the use of a defective interface

Device profiles must be assigned to blueprint nodes.


Overriding Apstra-generated cabling can be disruptive to the network. Use with extreme caution. For assistance with production networks, please contact Juniper Support.

Edit Cabling Map (GUI)

  1. From the blueprint, navigate to Staged > Physical > Links and click the Edit cabling map button (third of five buttons above the links list).
    The Cabling Map Editor dialog opens.
  2. Change interface names and/or IP addresses, as applicable.
    • You can use Batch clear override to clear all Interface and IPv4/IPv6 values for a specific device type.

    • To drop the override for either an interface name or IPv4/IPv6 address, submit an empty value in the corresponding field.

  3. Click Update to stage your changes and return to the Links view.

Next Steps:

When you're ready to activate your changes, commit them from the Uncommittedd tab.

Edit Cabling Map (JSON)

To change the cabling map using JSON, you'll export the JSON file, edit the file, then import it back into the Apstra environment.
  1. From the blueprint, navigate to Staged > Physical > Links and click the Export cabling map button to see the dialog for exporting a cabling map.
  2. Select JSON and click Save As File to download the file.
  3. Change interface names (if_name) and/or IP addresses (ipv4_addr or ipv6_addr) in the file, as applicable. Do not change any other fields. If you do, the changes will be ignored or they will result in an error message.
  4. From the cabling map (Staged > Physical > Links) click the Import cabling map button to see the dialog for importing a cabling map.
  5. Either click Choose File and navigate to the revised file on your computer, or drag and drop the file onto the dialog window.
  6. Click Import.

Next Steps:

When you're ready to activate your changes, commit them from the Uncommitted tab.