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Update Node Tag (Datacenter)

Update Node Tags (One Node)

  1. From the blueprint, navigate to Staged > Physical > Topology and select the node that needs updated tags.
  2. Select the node check box to see the operations available for that node (and that you have permissions for).
  3. Click Update node tags and update node tags as needed.
  4. Click Update to update the tags and return to the Selection view.

When you're ready to activate your changes, commit them from the Uncommitted tab.

Update Node Tags (Multiple Nodes)

  1. From the blueprint, navigate to Staged > Physical > Nodes and select one or more check boxes for the node(s) that need updated tags. The Add/Remove Tags button appears above the table.
  2. Click the Add/Remove Tags button and update tags as needed. When you create new tags here they are added to the blueprint catalog.
  3. Click Add/Remove Tags to stage the change and return to the Nodes view.

When you're ready to activate your changes, commit them from the Uncommitted tab.