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Apstra ZTP - Juniper

EX switches require Junos OS version 21.2 or higher. The Python module that's required for ZTP is missing on EX switches using Junos OS versions below 21.2.

Juniper and ZTP Disk Space

Apstra ZTP manages the bootstrap and lifecycle of Juniper Junos devices. It uses a custom script to create offbox agents, create local users and set other system configuration. The ZTP process copies a new OS image to the switch. Before installing Apstra ZTP, ensure that the switch has sufficient disk space for the OS image.

Example: Juniper Junos - ztp.json

Juniper Junos Offbox Agent / Apstra ZTP 4.2 UI

Juniper Junos Offbox Agent / Apstra ZTP 4.2 ztp.json File

Example: Juniper Junos OS Evolved - ztp.json

Juniper Junos OS Evolved Onbox Agent / Apstra ZTP 4.2 GUI

Juniper Junos OS Evolved Onbox Agent / Apstra ZTP 4.2 ztp.json File

You can use the following additional fields for dual RE platforms, such as PTX10004.

Juniper Junos Bootstrap File

Apstra ZTP uses a Python script to provision the device during ZTP. To allow the Python script ( to run on a device that is not Junos OS Evolved, additional configuration is required. Use the script to bootstrap Apstra ZTP on Junos. It downloads and runs the ZTP script.

Junos OS Evolved devices don't require this bootstrap; they run the Apstra ZTP python script ( directly.

Juniper Junos Custom Config File

When configuring custom-config for Juniper Junos devices, refer to the example, a bash executable file executed during the ZTP process. It can set system configuration (such as Syslog, NTP, SNMP authentication) prior to device system agent installation.

You can edit the custom config file in the Apstra ZTP GUI, as of Apstra ZTP version 4.2.0.


Junos OS and Junos OS Evolved platforms with dual-RE setups require the set system commit synchronize command. Without this configuration, the ZTP process fails. We recommend adding the command to the file.


If you set external AAA authentication (for example authentication-order), replicate the device system agent device-user and device-user-password in the AAA system. Otherwise, the device system agent generates an authentication error.

Restart Juniper Junos ZTP

To erase (zeroize) the device and restart Juniper Junos ZTP process:

Troubleshoot Juniper Junos ZTP

When in ZTP mode, the Juniper switch downloads the and ztp.json files to the /var/preserve/apstra directory. For diagnostics, take note of the /var/preserve/apstra/aosztp.log file.

You can find additional useful messages in /var/log/messages (search for 'ztp').