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Export Logical Device

The logical devices in the blueprint catalog are from the template used to create your blueprint .
  1. From the blueprint, navigate to Staged > Catalog > Logical Devices and click the Export to global catalog button for the logical device to export (in the Actions column on the right side).
  2. Select how you want to export the logical device:
    • Export as new - to create a new logical device based on the current one in the global catalog. This option doesn't keep references to interface maps. Even if you already have a logical device with the same name in the global catalog you can still export it. Exported logical devices with the same name are identified by the ID instead of by the logical device name.
    • Export existing - to create interface maps for this logical device in the global catalog that you can re-import into the blueprint. If you already have a logical device with the same name in the global catalog, you can’t use this option. When you export a logical device with this option, the logical device ID and logical device name are the same.
  3. Click Export to export the logical device and return to the table view.