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Create Logical Device

  1. From the left navigation menu, navigate to Design > Logical Devices and click Create Logical Device.
  2. Enter a unique logical device name.
  3. The default panel layout consists of 24 ports (2 rows of 12 ports each). For a different layout, select the number and arrangement of ports to match your requirements by dragging from the bottom-right corner of the layout.
  4. Select the ports for the port group by dragging to select contiguous ports, or by clicking individual ports. Clicking a port again deselects it.
  5. Select port speed, and applicable role(s) for the selected ports.
  6. Click Create Port Group (bottom-middle) to create the port group.
  7. If unassigned ports remain, repeat the previous two steps until all ports are assigned. For any ports that will not be used, assign them the Unused role.
  8. To add a panel, click Add Panel (bottom-middle) and repeat the steps as for the first panel.
  9. Click Create (bottom-right) to create the logical device and return to the table view.