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Property Sets (API)

For full API documentation, view the Platform API reference from the web interface. This is a targeted section to demonstrate property sets API similarly to the web interface.

Property sets live in http://aos-server:8888/api/property-sets and are referenced by ID.

API - Create Property Set

To create a property set, POST to https://aos-server/api/property-sets with a valid JSON structure representing the property set. Creating a property set this way only allows it to be available for assignation in the web interface - it is not required in this method for the REST API to assign to a blueprint. See the assigning a property set section for more details.

A POST will create a new property set. A PUT will overwrite an existing property set. PUT requires the URL of the property set. https://aos-server:8888/api/design/property-sets/{id}

The response will contain the ID of the newly created property-set {"id": "73223e81-a451-4e7f-91fb-fb476f4b9fc8"}

API - Delete Property Set

Deleting a property set requires an HTTP DELETE to the property set by URL http://aos-server:8888/api/design/property-sets/{id}

A successful DELETE has an empty response {}

API - Assign Property Set

Assigning a property set to a blueprint requires an HTTP POST to the blueprint by URL http://aos-server:8888/api/blueprints/{blueprint_ID}/property-sets

The response will contain the ID of the assigned property-sets {"id": "73223e81-a451-4e7f-91fb-fb476f4b9fc8"}



API - Unassign Property Set

Deleting a property set requires an HTTP DELETE to the blueprint property set by URL http://aos-server:8888/api/blueprints/{blueprint_ID}/property-sets{id}

A successful DELETE has an empty response {}