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Rate Limit Configuration

Rate Limit Configuration Overview

Default settings allow 5 login attempts within 60 seconds. After the fifth failed attempt, the IP/subnet is blocked and added to the banned list for 3 minutes (found at Platform > Security > Banned List), or until an admin removes it from the list. When you change rate limit configuration, any banned IP/subnets are immediately affected. For example, if you change the lockout period from 3 minutes to 5 minutes, an IP/subnet that's already on the banned list would remain on the banned list for an additional 2 minutes.

Edit Rate Limit Configuration

  1. From the left navigation menu, navigate to Platform > Security > Ratelimit Configuration and click the Edit button (top-right).
  2. Change parameter values (lockout period, time period, number of attempts).
  3. Click Update to complete the change and return to the Rate Limit Configuration page.