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Internal Endpoints (Virtual)

Create Internal Endpoint

  1. From the blueprint, navigate to Staged > Virtual > Endpoints > Internal Endpoints and click Create Internal Endpoint.
  2. Configure the endpoint as described below:
    Parameter Description
    Name A unique name, 32 characters or fewer. Alphanumeric characters, underscores and dashes only.
    Virtual Network Select the virtual network where the endpoint is located.
    IPv4 Subnet Enter the IPv4 Subnet/CIDR.
    Tags (optional) You can add tags for filtering or grouping beyond membership custom groups or virtual networks (for example “web server”, “db” and so on).
  3. Click Create to stage the endpoint addition and return to the table view. Validation is performed to ensure that the IP address is within the L2 subnet of the virtual network and that no endpoint with the same IP address is within the same routing zone.

Edit Internal Endpoint

  1. From the blueprint, navigate to Staged > Virtual > Endpoints > Internal Endpoints and click the Edit button for the endpoint to edit.
  2. Make your changes.
  3. Click Update to stage the endpoint change and return to the table view.

Delete Internal Endpoint

  1. From the blueprint, navigate to Staged > Virtual > Endpoints > Internal Endpoints and click the Delete button for the endpoint to delete.
  2. Click Delete to stage the endpoint removal and return to the table view.