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Export / Edit / Delete Configlet (Design)

Export Configlet

Exporting configlets makes it easier for SEs to deliver predefined configlets to customers and makes it easier to copy configlets across Apstra instances. (New in Apstra version 4.1.0.)
  1. From the table view (Design > Configlets) or the details view, click the Export configlet button for the configlet to export. Configlet details are displayed.
  2. To copy the contents, click Copy, then paste it.
  3. To download the JSON file to your local computer, click Save as File.
  4. When you've copied and/or downloaded the file, click the X to close the dialog.

Edit Configlet

Changing configlets in the design (global) catalog doesn't affect configlets in blueprint catalogs. If your intent is for a blueprint to use a modified configlet, see Edit / Delete Configlet (Blueprint) for the workflow.

  1. From the table view (Design > Configlets) or the details view, click the Edit button for the configlet to edit.
  2. Make your changes (name, config style, section, template text, negation template text, filename, as applicable).
  3. Click Update (bottom-right) to update the configlet in the global catalog and return to the table view.

Delete Configlet

Deleting configlets in the design (global) catalog doesn't affect configlets in blueprint catalogs.

  1. Either from the table view (Design > Configlets) or the details view, click the Delete button for the configlet to delete.
  2. Click Delete to delete the configlet from the global catalog and return to the table view.