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Create Device Profile


When you upgrade the Apstra server, predefined device profile changes applicable to that version are also updated and applied to the imported interface maps in blueprints. If you create (or clone) device profiles, they are not managed or updated when you upgrade the Apstra server.

Device profiles contain extensive hardware model details. Make sure the profile accurately describes all hardware characteristics. For assistance, contact Juniper Support.

  1. From the left navigation menu, navigate to Devices > Device Profiles and click Create Device Profile.
  2. If you've created a JSON payload, click Import Device Profile and select the file to import it. Otherwise, continue to the next step.
  3. Enter a unique device profile name.
  4. Configure the device profile to match the characteristics of the physical device. See Device Profile Overview for details.
  5. Click Create to create the device profile and return to the table view.