You can change cluster application memory usage for offbox agents and Intent Based Analytics
(IBA) via API. Make sure you've authenticated before attempting to make API calls.
If you're using Juniper offbox agents, increase memory allocation to 500 MB (from the 250
MB default). A single API call applies to all offbox agents.
From the left navigation menu in the Apstra GUI, navigate to Platform >
Developers and click REST API Documentation.
The Swagger API developer tool for the Apstra environment appears.
Click cluster, click GET
/api/cluster/application-weight, then click
The currrent values for offbox and iba appear in the response body.
Click PUT / api/cluster/application-weight, then click
Try it out.
The parameters become editable.

Enter values for both offbox and iba,
then click Execute. (The values must be positive and multiples of
50.) Juniper offbox agents require 500 MB.
To confirm your changes, click cluster, click GET
/api/cluster/application-weight, then click
You can close the window at any time to leave the tool.