Hot/Cold Interface Counters (Specific Interfaces) Probe
The hot/cold interface counters (specific interfaces) probe determines hot/cold specific
interface counters. It determines if interface counters averaged over "Average Period"
are hot (too high) or cold (too low). A given interface (out of the specified list) is
considered to be in a hot state if its average counter value is greater than "Max". A
given interface (out of the specified list) is considered to be in a cold state if its
average counter value is less than "Min". If such undesired state is observed for
more-than "Threshold Duration" over the last "Duration" time period, we raise an
anomaly. Distinct anomalies are raised for hot and cold states. If more than "Max Hot
Interface Percentage" percent of interfaces on a given device are hot, we raise an
anomaly. If more than "Max Cold Interface Percentage" percent of interfaces on a given
device are cold, we raise an anomaly. Finally, the last "Anomaly History Count" anomaly
state-changes are stored for observation.
For more information about this probe, from the blueprint, navigate to Analytics > Probes, click Create Probe, then select Instantiate Predefined Probe from the drop-down list. Select the probe from the Predefined Probe drop-down list to see details specific to the probe.