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Property Sets (Design)

Property Set Overview

Property sets are collections of key-value pairs that you import into blueprint catalogs to use in configlets and IBA probes.

For example, instead of hard-coding values for NTP servers, SMTP servers, and syslog servers, you can define them in a property set, associate the property set with a configlet, then import both of them into a blueprint catalog.

For Intent-Based Analytics, you can parameterize macro level SLAs or individual business units by applying property sets to IBA probe definitions.

Property sets include the following details:

  • Name - Identifies the property set
  • Properties - key-value pair(s)

From the left navigation menu, navigate to Design > Property Sets to go to property sets. You can create, clone, edit and delete property sets.

Create Property Set

  1. From the left navigation menu, navigate to Design > Property Sets and click Create Property Set.
  2. Enter a name, then a key in the left property field and a value in the right property field. Do not add curly braces {{ }} to the key; they are added for you. To add another property, click Add a Property.
  3. Click Create to create the property set and return to the list view.

Edit Property Set

To prevent potentially unintended changes to existing blueprints, changes to property sets in the global catalog do not affect property sets in the blueprint catalog. If your intent is for a blueprint to use a modified property set, then you must re-import the revised property set into the blueprint.
  1. From the left navigation menu, navigate to Design > Property Sets and click the name of the property set to edit.
  2. Click the Edit button (top-right) and make your changes.
  3. Click Update (bottom-right) to update the Property Set.

Delete Property Set (Design)

If a property set is assigned to a configlet, it cannot be deleted.
  1. Either from the list view (Design > Property Sets) or the details view, click the Delete button for the property set to delete.
  2. Click Delete to delete the property set from the global catalog and return to the list view.