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New and Changed Features

We have introduced the following new feature in APM 3.2.1.

You can now use an initial configuration file to start and roll out APM. You use the configuration file through the –-config config-file-path switch on the utility script’s setup command.

When APM is started or rolled out, the configuration file that you supply during setup is used to initialize APM. If you do not supply a configuration file, APM starts with the factory defaults.

The supplied configuration file is stored on the jumphost’s context repository. This allows the configuration to be preserved across APM start and stop events. Commits to the initial configuration are not automatically saved to the persistent location on the jumphost. To update the configuration at the persistent location, use the utility script’s save-config command.

Using the save-config command ensures that the latest configuration is used the next time that APM is started and rolled out. In order to restore the initial configuration back to its factory default, enter setup interactively and enter ^d to the startup config ... question.

The action in the parenthesis changes to remove. Press Enter to accept the removal of the deployed configuration. APM reverts back to the factory default configuration after a stop and then rollout command sequence.

When you change the initial configuration file using the utility script’s setup command, you must perform a stop and then rollout command sequence for the change to take effect.