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Supported Paragon Active Assurance Features

All test and monitor types in Paragon Active Assurance can be created and executed from the REST API through the use of templates. How to set up test and monitor templates is explained in the in-app help under "Tests and monitors" > "Creating templates".

Creation of Paragon Active Assurance accounts is currently not supported; however, one or several predefined accounts will have been set up for the user.

The tables that follow detail what product features are available in this release.

For full details on syntax, refer to https://<Control Center host IP>/rest.

Product Features Available in the REST API

Each REST API operation consists of an HTTP method (for example, GET, PUT, PATCH, POST, or DELETE) applied to a URL with a specified syntax. Each operation is therefore represented below as follows:

HTTP method Path

where the omitted initial part of the URL is {protocol}://{Control Center host IP}/rest.

All operations are performed on the Paragon Active Assurance account given in the URL.


Many of the API resources in the REST API are used to list multiple items. These resources all share the same mechanism for paginating the returned results by specifying the query parameters:

  • limit: Setting this to n means that at most n elements will be returned. By default, this limit is set to 10 elements.
  • offset: Setting this to n means that elements will be returned starting at position n in the list. By default, there is no offset.

The result is returned in the following format:

Here, items contains the returned result items, while count denotes the total number of items available in the list.

The resources are listed in the subsections that follow.

Resource: Alarms

Action Path
GET /accounts/{account}/alarms/

Retrieve a list of all alarms with their full definitions. For each alarm, an active config is returned; this is what is used to actually trigger an alarm. It consists of parameters from an alarm template overridden by values from an alarm config.

Action Path
PUT /accounts/{account}/alarms/{alarm_id}/

Suppress an alarm with a given ID so that it will never trigger.

Action Path
GET /accounts/{account}/alarms/{alarm_id}/

Retrieve the full definition of an alarm with a given ID. An active config is returned for the alarm; this is what is used to actually trigger it. The config consists of parameters from an alarm template overridden by values from an alarm config.

Action Path
DELETE /accounts/{account}/alarms/{alarm_id}/

Delete an alarm with a given ID.

Resource: Alarm Email Lists

Action Path
PUT /accounts/{account}/alarm_emails/{alarm_emails_id}/

Modify the configuration of an alarm email list with a given ID.

Action Path
GET /accounts/{account}/alarm_emails/{alarm_emails_id}/

Retrieve an alarm email list with a given ID.

Action Path
DELETE /accounts/{account}/alarm_emails/{alarm_emails_id}/

Delete an alarm email list with a given ID.

Action Path
POST /accounts/{account}/alarm_emails/

Create a new alarm email list.

Action Path
GET /accounts/{account}/alarm_emails/

Retrieve a list of all alarm email lists.

Resource: Alarm Templates

Action Path
PUT /accounts/{account}/alarm_templates/{alarm_template_id}/

Modify the configuration of an alarm template with a given ID.

Action Path
GET /accounts/{account}/alarm_templates/{alarm_template_id}/

Retrieve the full definition of an alarm template with a given ID.

Action Path
DELETE /accounts/{account}/alarm_templates/{alarm_template_id}/

Delete an alarm template with a given ID.

Action Path
POST /accounts/{account}/alarm_templates/

Create a new alarm template.

Action Path
GET /accounts/{account}/alarm_templates/

Retrieve a list of all alarm templates.

Resource: External URL Share

External URL shares consist of test or monitor results shared externally by means of a URL.

Action Path
PUT /accounts/{account}/external_url_shares/{share_id}/

Modify the configuration of an external URL share with a given ID.

Action Path
GET /accounts/{account}/external_url_shares/{share_id}/

Retrieve the configuration of an external URL share with a given ID.

Action Path
DELETE /accounts/{account}/external_url_shares/{share_id}/

Delete an external URL share with a given ID.

Action Path
POST /accounts/{account}/external_url_shares/

Create a new external URL share.

Action Path
GET /accounts/{account}/external_url_shares/

Retrieve a list of all external URL shares.

Resource: IPTV Channels

Action Path
PUT /accounts/{account}/iptv_channels/{iptv_id}/

Modify the configuration of an IPTV channel with a given ID.

Action Path
GET /accounts/{account}/iptv_channels/{iptv_id}/

Retrieve the configuration of an IPTV channel with a given ID.

Action Path
DELETE /accounts/{account}/iptv_channels/{iptv_id}/

Delete an IPTV channel with a given ID.

Action Path
POST /accounts/{account}/iptv_channels/

Create a new IPTV channel.

Action Path
GET /accounts/{account}/iptv_channels/

Retrieve a list of all IPTV channels.

Resource: Monitors

Action Path
GET /accounts/{account}/monitors/{monitor_id}/pdf_report

Generate a PDF report on a monitor with a given ID.

Action Path
POST /accounts/{account}/monitors/

Create a new monitor based on a monitor template.

Action Path
GET /accounts/{account}/monitors/

Retrieve a list of all defined monitors as well as data on SLA fulfillment during their execution. SLA fulfillment is by default indicated for the last 15 minutes; a different time period can be specified with the query string parameters start and end.

Action Path
PUT /accounts/{account}/monitors/{monitor_id}/

Start or stop a monitor with a given ID. This is done by setting the started parameter to True or False. This operation can also be used to change the monitor name or description, or to modify any parameter in its config.

Action Path
PATCH /accounts/{account}/monitors/{monitor_id}/

Start or stop a monitor with a given ID. This is done by setting the started parameter to True or False. PATCH can also be used to change the monitor name or description.


PATCH cannot be used to edit other monitor parameters; PUT needs to be used instead.

Action Path
GET /accounts/{account}/monitors/{monitor_id}/

Retrieve the full definition of a monitor with a given ID, as well as data on SLA fulfillment during its execution and comprehensive data metrics for successive time intervals (the length of these intervals is governed by the resolution parameter). SLA fulfillment is by default indicated for the last 15 minutes; a different time period can be specified with the query string parameters start and end. – Periodic tests are run as part of a monitor. If a task has a task_type value of periodic, the results list will always be empty. Instead, an executions list is provided containing a list of test IDs for each run of the tests. Here the actual results are found.

Action Path
DELETE /accounts/{account}/monitors/{monitor_id}/

Delete a monitor with a given ID.

Resource: Monitor Templates

Action Path
GET /accounts/{account}/monitor_templates/

Retrieve a list of all monitor templates.

Action Path
POST /accounts/{account}/monitor_templates/import/

Import previously exported monitor templates.

Action Path
GET /accounts/{account}/monitor_templates/{template_id}/

Retrieve the full definition of a monitor template with a given ID.

Action Path
GET /accounts/{account}/monitor_templates/export/

Export all monitor templates.

Creation of monitor templates must be done through the Control Center web GUI; for details of this procedure, see the in-app help under "Tests and monitors" > "Creating templates".

Resource: SIP Accounts

Action Path
POST /accounts/{account}/sip_accounts/

Create a new SIP account.

Action Path
GET /accounts/{account}/sip_accounts/

Retrieve a list of all SIP accounts.

Action Path
PUT /accounts/{account}/sip_accounts/{sip_id}/

Modify the configuration of a SIP account with a given ID.

Action Path
GET /accounts/{account}/sip_accounts/{sip_id}/

Retrieve the configuration of a SIP account with a given ID.

Action Path
DELETE /accounts/{account}/sip_accounts/{sip_id}/

Delete a SIP account with a given ID.

Resource: SNMP Managers

Action Path
PUT /accounts/{account}/snmp_managers/{snmp_manager_id}/

Modify the configuration of an SNMP manager with a given ID.

Action Path
GET /accounts/{account}/snmp_managers/{snmp_manager_id}/

Retrieve an SNMP manager with a given ID.

Action Path
DELETE /accounts/{account}/snmp_managers/{snmp_manager_id}/

Delete an SNMP manager with a given ID.

Action Path
POST /accounts/{account}/snmp_managers/

Create a new SNMP manager.

Action Path
PUT /accounts/{account}/snmp_managers/

Retrieve a list of all SNMP managers.

Resource: Speedtest

Action Path
GET /accounts/{account}/speedtest/results/

Retrieve a list of all Speedtest results.

Action Path
GET /accounts/{account}/speedtest/results/{speedtest_id}

Returns a Speedtest result for a given instance ID.


The Speedtest commands are not intended to be used directly, but rather by a custom web page set up for Speedtest. See the document Creating a Custom Speedtest Web Page.

Resource: SSH Keys

Action Path
PUT /accounts/{account}/ssh_keys/{ssh_key_id}/

Modify the configuration of an SSH key with a given ID.

Action Path
GET /accounts/{account}/ssh_keys/{ssh_key_id}/

Retrieve an SSH key with a given ID.

Action Path
DELETE /accounts/{account}/ssh_keys/{ssh_key_id}/

Delete an SSH key with a given ID.

Action Path
POST /accounts/{account}/ssh_keys/

Add a new SSH key.

Action Path
GET /accounts/{account}/ssh_keys/

Retrieve a list of all SSH keys.

Resource: Tags

Action Path
POST /accounts/{account}/tags/

Create a new tag.

Action Path
GET /accounts/{account}/tags/

Retrieve a list of all tags.

Action Path
PUT /accounts/{account}/tags/{tag_id}/

Modify a tag with a given ID.

Action Path
GET /accounts/{account}/tags/{tag_id}/

Retrieve the tag and all items (monitors, templates, Test Agents, TWAMP reflectors) it has been applied to.

Action Path
DELETE /accounts/{account}/tags/{tag_id}/

Delete a tag with a given ID.

Action Path
POST /accounts/{account}/tags/assign/

Assign a tag to specified resources.

Action Path
POST /accounts/{account}/tags/unassign/

Unassign a tag from specified resources.

Resource: Test Agents

Action Path
POST /accounts/{account}/test_agents/reboot/

Trigger a reboot on target Test Agents. The target Test Agents can be provided by either specifying their IDs in a list or using the “?all” query parameter.

Action Path
POST /accounts/{account}/test_agents/

Create a new virtual Test Agent.

Action Path
GET /accounts/{account}/test_agents/

Retrieve a list of all Test Agents.

Action Path
POST /accounts/{account}/test_agents/update/

Reboot and update Test Agents. This action can be run in two ways: for all Test Agents, by appending the ?all query string in the URL; or for specified Test Agents, listed by ID in the body as described in the schema.

Action Path
PUT /accounts/{account}/test_agents/{test_agent_id}/

Modify the configuration of a Test Agent with a given ID. With the PUT method, you need to supply the configuration in its entirety.

Action Path
PATCH /accounts/{account}/test_agents/{test_agent_id}/

You can modify the name, description, or GPS coordinates of a Test Agent with a given ID. Note: PATCH cannot be used to edit other Test Agent properties; for this purpose PUT needs to be used instead.

Action Path
GET /accounts/{account}/test_agents/{test_agent_id}/

Retrieve the configuration of a Test Agent with a given ID.

Action Path
DELETE /accounts/{account}/test_agents/{test_agent_id}/

Delete a Test Agent with a given ID.

Action Path
PUT /accounts/{account}/test_agents/{test_agent_id}/move/

Move a Test Agent with a given ID to a different Control Center.

Action Path
DELETE /accounts/{account}/test_agents/{test_agent_id}/move/

Cancel the move of a Test Agent with a given ID to a different Control Center.

Action Path
PUT /accounts/{account}/test_agents/{test_agent_numeric_id}/wifiscan/ {test_agent_interface_name}/

Start a Wi-Fi scan on a named interface of a Test Agent with a given ID.

Action Path
GET /accounts/{account}/test_agents/{test_agent_numeric_id}/wifiscan/ {test_agent_interface_name}/

Get results from a Wi-Fi scan on a named interface of a Test Agent with a given ID.

Action Path
DELETE /accounts/{account}/test_agents/{test_agent_numeric_id}/wifiscan/ {test_agent_interface_name}/

Stop the Wi-Fi scan on a named interface of a Test Agent with a given ID.

Resource: Tests

Action Path
GET /accounts/{account}/tests/{test_id}/

Retrieve results for a test with a given ID.

Action Path
DELETE /accounts/{account}/tests/{test_id}/

Delete a test with a given ID.

Action Path
GET /accounts/{account}/tests/{test_id}/pdf_report

Generate a PDF report on a test with a given ID.

Action Path
POST /accounts/{account}/tests/

Create a test based on a test template, and run the test.

Action Path
GET /accounts/{account}/tests/

Retrieve a list of all defined tests.

Resource: Test Templates

Action Path
GET /accounts/{account}/test_templates/

Retrieve a list of all test templates.

Action Path
GET /accounts/{account}/test_templates/{template_id}/

Retrieve the full definition of a test template with a given ID.

Action Path
POST /accounts/{account}/test_templates/import/

Import previously exported test templates.

Action Path
GET /accounts/{account}/test_templates/export/

Export all test templates.

Creation of test templates must be done through the Control Center web GUI; for details of this procedure, see the in-app help under "Tests and monitors" > "Creating templates".

Resource: TWAMP Reflectors

Action Path
PUT /accounts/{account}/twamp_reflectors/{twamp_id}/

Modify the configuration of a TWAMP reflector with a given ID.

Action Path
PUT /accounts/{account}/twamp_reflectors/{twamp_id}/

Retrieve the configuration of a TWAMP reflector with a given ID.

Action Path
DELETE /accounts/{account}/twamp_reflectors/{twamp_id}/

Delete a TWAMP reflector with a given ID.

Action Path
POST /accounts/{account}/twamp_reflectors/

Create a new TWAMP reflector.

Action Path
GET /accounts/{account}/twamp_reflectors/

Retrieve a list of all TWAMP reflectors.

Resource: Y.1731 MEPs

Action Path
PUT /accounts/{account}/y1731_meps/{mep_id}/

Modify the configuration of a Y.1731 MEP with a given ID.

Action Path
GET /accounts/{account}/y1731_meps/{mep_id}/

Retrieve the configuration of a Y.1731 MEP with a given ID.

Action Path
DELETE /accounts/{account}/y1731_meps/{mep_id}/

Delete a Y.1731 MEP with a given ID.

Action Path
POST /accounts/{account}/y1731_meps/

Create a new Y.1731 MEP.

Action Path
GET /accounts/{account}/y1731_meps/

Retrieve a list of all Y.1731 MEPs.