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Uninstalling Paragon Active Assurance

Installation of Paragon Active Assurance is covered in the Paragon Active Assurance Installation Guide.

To uninstall the Control Center software, run the following command:

Alternatively, in order to delete the Control Center packages from the instance, you can add the --purge flag:

This will not remove the data or the configuration, however. To remove all data, do the following:

where the password for the last command (for TimescaleDB) is postgres.

Optional Steps

If you are not using PostgreSQL for anything else, you may want to uninstall the PostgreSQL database:

Further optional cleanup tasks are as follows:

  • Remove the Test Agent applications remaining in the static folder:
  • Remove logs from apache2:
  • Remove the Paragon Active Assurance site from apache2:
  • Remove available sites for Paragon Active Assurance:
  • Remove the OpenVPN environment:
  • Remove Kafka logs:
  • Finally, remove these directories if they are present: