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Supported Features in Paragon Active Assurance

All test and monitor types in Paragon Active Assurance can be created and executed through the use of templates. How to do this is covered in the in-app help under "Tests and monitors" > "Creating templates".

Creation of Paragon Active Assurance accounts is currently not supported; however, one or several predefined accounts will have been set up for the user.

The tables below detail what features in Paragon Active Assurance are available in this release, and how these features are represented in YANG.

Explanation of YANG Constructs

For convenience, definitions are given here of the YANG constructs referred to in the feature table.

  • Config (config=true): Configuration data, required to transform a system from one state to another.
  • State (config=false): State data: additional data on a system that is not configuration data, such as read-only status information and collected statistics.
  • RPC: A Remote Procedure Call, as used within the NETCONF protocol.
  • Notification: Event notifications sent from a NETCONF server to a NETCONF client.

Tables of Paragon Active Assurance Features Available for Orchestration

Resource: Monitoring

YANG path:/accounts/account/monitors

Feature Subfeature YANG construct
Create/modify/delete monitor Based on monitor template Config
Start/stop monitor Config
Monitor templates List existing monitor templates with inputs State
NETCONF notifications Alarm state changed Notification
Monitor results SLA/ES counter for top level (%) State
SLA/ES counter for task level (%) State


Unlike tests (compare Resource: Tests below), monitors are not started with an RPC but rather by committing the monitor configuration.

Resource: Tests

YANG path: /accounts/account/tests

Feature Subfeature YANG construct
Start test Based on test template RPC
Manage tests List tests with status State
Test templates List existing test templates with inputs State
NETCONF notifications Test status changed Notification
Test results Get test step status (pass, fail, error, ...) State

Resource: Test Agents

YANG paths:

  • /accounts/account/test-agents (Config)
  • /accounts/account/registered-test-agents (State)

Test Agents under /accounts/account/test-agents are the ones that are config in an account. Only these Test Agents can be configured and used in tests and monitors via NETCONF by the orchestrator.

After you have configured a Test Agent and it has registered to the account, the Test Agent will appear under /accounts/account/registered-test-agents. You can find all registered Test Agents using a "get" command in NETCONF (compare the chapter Examples: Test Agents).

Under /accounts/account/registered-test-agents you may also find Test Agents that have not yet been configured. Any such Test Agents must be configured before they can be used.

In an orchestration scenario, it is generally recommended that you do all configuration of your Paragon Active Assurance account through NETCONF. This ensures that test-agents and registered-test-agents do not diverge.

Feature Subfeature YANG construct
"Pre-create" Test Agent on server Config
Configure offline Test Agent (Control Center pushes config to Test Agent when it comes online) Config
Use existing/externally configured Test Agents Use in test/monitor Config

Configure interfaces


Get status

Configure Test Agent (Test Appliance only) Configure NTP Config

Configure bridges


Configure VLAN interfaces


Configure SSH keys



Utils Reboot RPC
Update RPC
NETCONF notifications Online status changed Notification
Status Get system status (uptime, memory usage, load average, version) State

Resource: Inventory

YANG path: /accounts/account/twamp-reflectors

Feature Subfeature YANG construct
Manage TWAMP reflector inventory Create/modify/delete TWAMP reflectors Config

YANG path: /accounts/account/y1731-meps

Feature Subfeature YANG construct
Manage Y.1731 MEP inventory Create/modify/delete MEPs Config

YANG path: /accounts/account/iptv-channels

Feature Subfeature YANG construct
Manage IPTV channel inventory Create/modify/delete IPTV channels Config

YANG path: /accounts/account/ping-hosts

Feature Subfeature YANG construct
Manage Ping host inventory Create/modify/delete Ping hosts Config

YANG path: /accounts/account/sip-accounts

Feature Subfeature YANG construct
Manage SIP account inventory Create/modify/delete SIP accounts Config

Resource: Alarms

YANG path: /accounts/account/alarm-templates

Feature Subfeature YANG construct
Configure alarm templates Create/modify/delete alarm templates Config

YANG path: /accounts/account/alarm-email-lists

Feature Subfeature YANG construct
Configure alarm email lists Create/modify/delete alarm email lists Config

YANG path: /accounts/account/snmp-managers

Feature Subfeature YANG construct
Configure SNMP managers Create/modify/delete SNMP managers Config

Resource: Global Statistics

YANG path: /statistics

Feature Subfeature YANG construct
Retrieve statistics for entire Control Center -- Config

Resource: Account Statistics

YANG path: /accounts/account/statistics

Feature Subfeature YANG construct
Retrieve statistics for specific account -- Config

Supported NETCONF Capabilities

The table below points to the IETF RFCs describing the NETCONF capabilities used for the purpose of Paragon Active Assurance orchestration.