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Updating Databases with New User Passwords

Main PostgreSQL Database

The chapter PostgreSQL Configuration tells how to change the password for the "netrounds" user in a configuration file.

You also need to update the password in the following files:

  • /etc/netrounds/netrounds.conf
  • /etc/netrounds/plugin.yaml
  • /etc/netrounds/probe-connect.conf

Furthermore, you must update that user's role in the database. How to do that is explained below.

  • Log in to the database using:

  • Inside the database, execute this command (substituting the correct new password):

The relevant PostgreSQL documentation is found here:

Another option is to run the following after logging in to the database:

and then provide the password twice.

After changing the password in the database as well as in the configuration files, reboot the system:

Using Special Characters in the Password

In the ALTER ROLE query, if the character used to surround the password string occurs in the password itself, that character must be escaped. The escape character is a single quote (').

Suppose you want to set the password #secure. To this end, run the query

However, if you run

you can enter any password characters without escaping them.

TimescaleDB Database

To change the password for the paa user, do the following:

  • Connect to the database as the paa user (password paa). Full details on how to do this are found in the document Querying Metrics in TimescaleDB, chapter Preparations.

    Then run:

  • In the file /etc/netrounds/metrics.yaml, enter the new password in the field db-password. Then restart the netrounds-metrics service:

To change the password for the paaread user, do the following:

  • Connect to the database as the paaread user (password paaread) and run

Streaming API

Regaring authentication for accessing Kafka via the Streaming API, see the document Streaming API Guide, chapter Configuring the Streaming API.