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Step 2: Up and Running

Now that the EX4400 is powered on, let’s do some initial configuration to get it up and running on the network. It’s simple to configure and manage the EX4400 using the CLI.

Plug and Play

The EX4400 switch ships with factory-default settings that enable plug-and-play operation. These settings load as soon as you power on the switch.

Customize the Basic Configuration

Have the following information ready before you begin customizing the switch:

  • Root authentication password

  • Management port IP address

  • Default gateway IP address

  • DNS server IP address

You can easily customize the factory-default configuration with just a few commands. When you commit changes to the configuration, a new configuration file is created. This becomes the active configuration. You can always revert to the factory-default configuration whenever you want.

  1. Verify that the serial port settings for your laptop or desktop PC are set to the default values:
    • Baud Rate—9600

    • Data—8

    • Flow Control—None

    • Parity—None

    • Stop Bits—1

    • DCD State—Disregard

  2. Connect the console port (labeled CON) on the switch to a serial port on your laptop or desktop PC using the Ethernet cable and RJ-45 to DB-9 adapter (not provided). If your laptop or desktop PC doesn't have a serial port, use a serial-to-USB adapter (not provided). On EX4400 switch models except EX4400-24X, the console port is on the rear panel. On the EX4400-24X model, the console port is on the front panel.
  3. At the Junos OS login prompt, type root to log in. You don't need to enter a password. If the software boots before you connect your laptop or desktop PC to the console port, you might need to press the Enter key for the prompt to appear.
  4. Start the CLI.
  5. Enter configuration mode.
  6. Add a password to the root administration user account. Enter a plain-text password, an encrypted password, or an SSH public key string. In this example, we show you how to enter a plain-text password.
  7. Configure the default gateway.
  8. Configure the IP address and prefix length for the management interface on the switch.

    The management port me0 (labeled MGMT) is on the rear panel of the EX4400 switch.

    The management interface provides a dedicated out-of-band management channel to manage devices on the network. If you need to configure in-band management, see Configure Junos OS on the EX4400 in the EX4400 Switch Hardware Guide.

  9. Configure the IP address of a DNS server.
  10. Configure the SSH service.
  11. Commit the configuration to activate it on the switch.
  12. When you’ve finished configuring the switch, exit configuration mode.