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Step 2: Up and Running

Now that you’ve successfully logged in to CSO, let’s use CSO’s intuitive GUI to do the initial configuration.


When in doubt, hover over the ? (Help) icon displayed next to the page title or fields on the CSO GUI to know more about a page or a field on the page.

Prepare to Deploy SD-WAN or NGFW Services (Service Provider Administrators)

Before a tenant administrator can deploy SD-WAN or NGFW (security services), a Service Provider (SP) administrator must configure SMTP settings; download the signature database; upload the device image; add points of presence, OAM provider hub devices, tenants, and CSO licenses.

Configure SMTP Settings

  1. In the CSO Administration portal, click Administration > SMTP.

    The SMTP page opens.

  2. Configure the SMTP settings. Hover over the ? (Help) icon displayed next to the fields on the GUI to know more about a field.

    Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

  3. Click Save.

    The SMTP settings are saved and a confirmation message appears at the top of the page.

Download the Signature Database

  1. Select Administration > Signature Database.

    The Signature Database page opens.

  2. Click Signature Download Settings.

    The Signature Download Settings page opens.

  3. Enter the download settings. Hover over the ? (Help) icon displayed next to the fields on the GUI to know more about a field.
  4. Click OK to save the changes:
    • If you specified that the signature database should be downloaded immediately, a Job Tasks page opens displaying information about the signature download job. Click OK to close this page and return to the Signature Database page.

    • If you scheduled the signature download for later, a job is triggered and you are returned to the Signature Database page. A confirmation message (with the job ID) is displayed at the top of the page.

    After the signature download operation is complete, predefined signatures (application and IPS) and IPS profiles are available in CSO. You cannot modify predefined signatures or IPS profiles. Users can create custom application signatures and IPS profiles as well.

Upload a Device Image

To upload a device image for the device:

  1. Click Resources > Images.

    The Images page opens.

  2. Click the add icon (+).

    The Upload Image page opens.

  3. Complete the configuration settings according to these guidelines:




    Enter the filename for the device image that you are uploading.

    Example: junos-srxsme-20.2R2-S3.5.tgz

    You must use the following filename format for device images of VNFs as listed below:

    • vSRX—vsrx-vmdisk-15.1.qcow2

    • NFX—juniper_nfx_1.5_img.tgz

    Image Type

    Choose the type of device image.

    • Device Image—Software image for the physical device (CPE).

    • VNF Image—Software image for the virtual device (VNF).


    Choose the name of the device vendor.

    Example: Juniper Networks.


    Choose the device family.

    Example: NFX

    Supported Platform

    Type the name of the platform supported by the device image.

    Example: NFX250

    Build Number

    Enter the build number of the device image.

    Example: X53-D102.2

  4. Click Upload. If you want to discard the upload device image process, click Abort instead.

    The Upload Image page displays the progress of the image upload.

  5. Click OK to save the changes.

    The Images page opens.

Add a Point of Presence


Applies only to SD-WAN services.

In CSO, a POP refers to a location where one or more provider hub devices are located. Therefore, you must add at least one POP that you can assign provider hub devices to.

  1. In the CSO Administration portal, select Resources > POPs.

    The POPs page opens, displaying a list of existing POPs.

  2. Click the Add (+) icon.

    The Add POP page opens.

  3. Complete the configuration settings.
  4. Click OK.

    CSO triggers a job to add the site, and displays confirmation messages when the job is triggered and when the job is completed. You are then returned to the POPs page.


    Refresh the page and verify that the POP is added.

Add an OAM Provider Hub Device


Applies only to SD-WAN services.

Create an OAM provider hub and include the point of presence (POP), which you created in the previous step, in it.

  • For SD-WAN Advanced, we recommend that you configure a minimum of two OAM-capable provider hubs to provide redundancy in the OAM network.

  • Before you add the provider hub, check the cable connections, review the NAT and firewall ports and protocols, and check the Junos OS version of the enterprise hub device, as explained in Supported Devices for SD-WAN, and Ports and Protocols to Open.

To add a provider hub device:

  1. Select Resources > Provider Hub Devices.

    The Provider Hub Devices page opens.

  2. Click the add (+) icon.

    The Add Provider Hub page opens, displaying the General settings to be configured.

  3. Configure the General and WAN settings according to these guidelines:



    Site Capability

    Select one of the following capabilities for the provider hub device:

    • OAM_ONLY—Transmits only OAM traffic.


      This option is available only for SP Administrators in the on-premises version of CSO.

    • OAM_AND_DATA—Transmits both data traffic and OAM traffic.


    Select the POP which you created in the previous step.

    [Device Template]

    Ensure that you select the correct device template for the provider hub device from the carousel. For example, for an SRX1500 device, you can select SRX as SD-WAN Hub (or a modified version of that template) as the device template.


    Check that the interface names in the device template match the ones on the device that you’re using.

    OAM Interface

    For provider hubs with OAM or OAM and data capabilities, select the interface on the provider hub device that you want to use to connect the provider hub device to CSO. This interface is used only for OAM connectivity.

    The interface names are the names configured in the device template.


    For provider hubs with OAM or OAM and data capabilities, enter an OAM VLAN ID for in-band management of the hub device. If you specify an OAM VLAN ID, then in-band OAM traffic reaches the device through the selected OAM interface.

    OAM IP Prefix

    For provider hubs with OAM or OAM and data capabilities, enter an IPv4 address prefix for the OAM interface in the provider hub device. The prefix must be unique across the entire management network.

    OAM Gateway

    For provider hubs with OAM or OAM and data capabilities, enter the IP address of the next-hop through which the connectivity from the provider hub device to CSO is established.

    EBGP Peer-AS

    For provider hubs with OAM or OAM and data capabilities, enter the autonomous system (AS) number of the external BGP (EBGP) peer. The AS number is unique to the service provider and is needed to establish the EBGP peering session.

  4. Review the configuration in the Summary tab, and modify the settings, if required.

    (Optional) If you want to download the configured settings as a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) file, click the Download as JSON link at the bottom of the page.

  5. Click OK.

Add Tenants

  1. From the main menu, go to the Tenants page (Tenants > Tenants View) and click +.

    The Add Tenant page opens.

  2. Complete the configuration settings according to the following guidelines. After you complete the configuration in each of the tabs, click Next.






    Enter a unique name for the tenant. You can use alphanumeric characters and underscore; the maximum length allowed is 32 characters.


    First Name

    Enter the first name of the tenant.


    Last Name

    Enter the last name of the tenant.


    Username (E-mail)

    Enter the e-mail address, which will be used as the tenant's username.



    Select one or more of the available roles to assign to the tenant.

    Deployment Info

    Services for Tenant

    Based on your tenant’s requirements, select either or both of the following services for the tenant:

    • SD-WAN—To enable Tenant Administrators to deploy and manage sites that have up to four WAN links with intelligent, SLA-based traffic routing among the WAN links

    • Next Gen Firewall (Security Services)—To enable Tenant Administrators to deploy and manage NGFW (Security Services) sites

    Deployment Info

    Service Level


    This field appears only if you selected SD-WAN in the Services for Tenant field.

    Choose an SD-WAN service type for the tenant.

    • Essentials—Provides the basic SD-WAN service (called Secure SD-WAN Essentials).

    • Advanced—Provides the complete SD-WAN service (called Secure SD-WAN Advanced).

  3. Click Finish to add the tenant.

    An Add Tenant job is created. When the job completes, the tenant is listed on the Tenants page.

    Your tenant will receive an account activation e-mail.

Add CSO Licenses

To maintain a record of CSO licenses purchased by tenants or operating companies (OpCos), users with the SP Administrator role (or users with the necessary access privileges) can add the CSO license for a tenant or an OpCo from the CSO Licenses page.

To add a CSO license:

  1. In the Administration Portal, select Administration > Licenses > CSO Licenses.

    The CSO Licenses page opens.

  2. Click the add (+) icon.

    The Add CSO License page opens.

  3. Complete the configuration. Hover over the ? (Help) icon displayed next to the fields on the GUI to know more about a field.



    License SKUs

    Add one or more license SKUs:

    1. Click the add (+) icon.

      A row appears inline in the License SKU List grid.

    2. In the License SKU field, enter the SKU name.

      The SKU format is as follows: S-CSO-Release-Type-License-Type-Device-Class-License-Period.

    3. In the Device Quantity field, enter the maximum number of on-premise spoke sites that a tenant is authorized to add. You must enter a non-zero number to proceed.

    4. Click (check mark) to save your changes.

      The license SKU is saved and displayed in the grid.

    You can modify a license SKU by selecting the corresponding row and clicking the edit (pencil) icon.

  4. Click OK.

    The CSO Licenses page opens. A job is triggered to add the license. After the job completes successfully, a confirmation message appears and the page refreshes to display the newly added license SKUs.

Deploy the SD-WAN Service (Tenant Administrator)

To deploy the SD-WAN Advanced service, you'll need to add an enterprise hub site or a provider hub site, and a branch site. These tasks are optional for the SD-WAN Essentials service.


Starting in Release 6.0.0, CSO supports IPv6 in the underlay.

Before you begin:

  • Ensure that the Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) protocol traffic is allowed on the network.

  • Ensure that Network Address Translation (NAT) and firewall ports are open on the network. Here are the ports that must be open for your CPE device:

    Device Model

    NAT/Firewall Ports

    CPE WAN Link Ports (minimum one port; maximum four ports)

    SRX4100 and SRX4200

    50, 51, 53, 123, 443, 500 or 4500, 514 or 3514, 7804

    xe-0/0/0 through xe-0/0/7


    50, 51, 53, 123, 443, 500 or 4500, 514 or 3514, 7804

    xe-1/1/0 through xe-1/1/7

    et-1/0/0 through et-1/0/3

    SRX300, SRX320, and vSRX

    50, 51, 53, 123, 443, 500 or 4500, 514 or 3514, 7804

    ge-0/0/0 through ge-0/0/7

    SRX340 and SRX345

    50, 51, 53, 123, 443, 500 or 4500, 514 or 3514, 7804

    ge-0/0/0 through ge-0/0/15


    50, 51, 53, 123, 443, 500 or 4500, 514 or 3514, 7804


    ge-0/0/2 through ge-0/0/15

    xe-0/0/16 through xe-0/0/19


    50, 51, 53, 123, 443, 500 or 4500, 514 or 3514, 7804

    ge-0/0/0 through ge-0/0/9


    50, 51, 443, 500 or 4500, 514 or 3514, 2216, 7804

    ge-0/0/10, ge-0/0/11, xe-0/0/12, and xe-0/0/13


    50, 51, 443, 500 or 4500, 514 or 3514, 7804

    heth0 through heth5

  • For provider hubs, ensure that the following ports and protocols are open on the network:

    Device Model

    Ports and Protocols

    Hardware Documentation Links


    IP Protocol 50

    IP Protocol 51

    TCP and UDP Ports 53 (for DNS)

    UDP Port 123 (for NTP)

    TCP Port 443

    UDP Port 500

    UDP Port 4500

    SRX1500 Chassis




    IP Protocol 50

    IP Protocol 51

    TCP and UDP Ports 53 (for DNS)

    UDP Port 123 (for NTP)

    TCP Port 443

    UDP Port 500

    UDP Port 4500

    SRX4100 Chassis

    SRX4200 Chassis

    SRX4600 Chassis


    IP Protocol 50

    IP Protocol 51

    TCP and UDP Ports 53 (for DNS)

    UDP Port 123 (for NTP)

    TCP Port 443

    UDP Port 500

    UDP Port 4500

    vSRX Deployment Guides

Add Provider Hub Sites

To add one or more provider hub sites:

  1. Select Resources > Site Management.

    The Site Management page appears.

  2. Click Add and select Add Provider Hub.

    The Add Provider Hub for Tenant-Name page appears.

  3. Complete the configuration settings according to these guidelines:





    Service POP

    Select the POP from which you want to specify the provider hub device.

    Hub Device Name

    Select one or more provider hub devices from the list. (Provider hub devices with DATA_ONLY and OAM_AND_DATA capabilities are listed.)

    If you select two or more provider hubs, the CSO provisions the provider hub sites in the order in which you selected the provider hub devices.


    Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

  4. Click OK.

    CSO triggers a job and displays a job link. The Site Management page opens. When the job is finished, the Site Status of the provider hub sites changes to Provisioned.

Add an Enterprise Hub Site


If you intend to use an existing Juniper Networks provider hub site, adding an enterprise hub site is optional.

  1. From the main menu, go to the Site Management page (Resources > Site Management), click Add, and select Enterprise Hub.

    The Add Enterprise Hub page opens.

  2. Complete the configuration settings according to these guidelines:





    Site Name

    Give the enterprise hub site a unique name. You can use alphanumeric characters and hyphen (-); the maximum length allowed is 32 characters.

    Example: E-hub1


    Device Host Name

    The device host name is auto-generated and uses the format You cannot change the tenant-name part in the device host name. Use alphanumeric characters and hyphen(-); the maximum length allowed is 32 characters.


    Site Capabilities


    Device Management, enabled by default, allows you to create a site with only device management capability (without any services) and add services later.

    To add an SD-WAN capability for this site, choose one of the following SD-WAN service types:

    • Secure SD-WAN Essentials—(Available for tenants with SD-WAN Essentials service level) Provides basic SD-WAN services. You can upgrade an SD-WAN Essentials site to an SD-WAN Advanced site by editing the site information.

    • Secure SD-WAN Advanced—(Available for tenants with SD-WAN Advanced service level) Provides the complete SD-WAN services. You cannot downgrade an SD-WAN Advanced site to an SD-WAN Essentials site.


    Device Series

    Select SRX.


    Device Template

    Select a device template for the SRX Series device.

    The SRX Series device template contains information for configuring the SRX Series device.

    For example, for an SRX4100 device, select SRX4x00 as SD-WAN CPE (or a modified version of that template) as the device template.


    Use for Fullmesh

    Click the toggle button to enable the WAN link to be part of a full-mesh topology.

    You typically implement a full-mesh topology to connect remote offices within an organization. A full-mesh topology is not commonly used to connect separate organizations because it allows each site to communicate directly with other sites.

    Configure the two additional fields that appear:

    • Mesh Overlay Link Type: Keep the default selection (GRE over IPsec) as the type of encapsulation to be used for the overlay tunnels in the full-mesh topology.

    • Mesh Tags: Select one or more mesh tags for the WAN link.

      The tunnels between the enterprise hub site and the branch site are added based on matching mesh tags. So, if you want meshing to take place between a WAN link on the enterprise hub and a WAN link on the branch site, the mesh tags must be the same for both sites.


    Enable Local Breakout

    Click the toggle button to enable local breakout on the WAN link. By default, local breakout is disabled.

    • If you enable this option, the WAN link can be used for local breakout.

    • If you do not enable local breakout on at least one WAN link for a single CPE connection plan and at least two WAN links for a dual CPE connection plan, the local breakout is disabled for the site.


    Preferred Breakout Link

    Click the toggle button to enable the WAN link as the most preferred breakout link.

    If you disable this option, the breakout link is chosen using ECMP from the available breakout links.


    Connects to Provider Hubs


    The Connects to Provider Hubs field is available only if you have selected a provider hub.

    Click the toggle button to specify that the WAN link of the site connects to a provider hub.

    • For sites with a single CPE, you must enable at least one WAN link to connect to the hub so that OAM traffic can be transmitted.

    • For sites with a dual CPE, you must enable at least one WAN link per device to connect to the hub so that OAM traffic can be transmitted.


    Use for OAM Traffic

    If you’ve specified that the WAN link is connected to a hub, click the toggle button to enable sending the OAM traffic over the WAN link. Enable this field on at least two WAN links for redundancy.

    This WAN link is then used to establish the OAM tunnel.


    Overlay Tunnel Type

    This field is displayed when the Connects to Provider Hubs field is enabled.

    Select the mesh overlay tunnel type (GRE and GRE_IPSEC) of the tunnel to the hub.

    MPLS links can have both GRE and GRE_IPSEC as the overlay link type whereas Internet links can have only GRE_IPSEC as the overlay link type.


    Overlay Peer Interface

    This field is displayed when the Connects to Provider Hubs field is enabled.

    Select the interface name of the hub device to which the WAN link of the site is connected.


    Link Priority

    Enter a value in the range 1-255. A lower value indicates a more preferred link. A value of 1 indicates highest priority and a value of 255 indicates lowest priority. If you do not enter a value, the link priority is considered as 255.


    Add LAN Segment

    Add the LAN segment by specifying the Name, Department, Gateway Address/Mask, and CPE Ports.

  3. Click Finish to add the site.

    If you selected a service while adding the device, the Site Status on the Site Management page changes to Provisioned. If you did not select a service, then the Site Status remains in the Managed state until you apply the service. You can edit the site and add the service. After you add the service, the Site Status changes to Provisioned.


    In Release 6.1.0, CSO moves a site to the PROVISIONED state when at least one of the WAN links obtains the IP address and is activated. You can activate the remaining DHCP WAN links later.

    Some of the other site states are as follows:

    • Created—Indicates that the site was added but not configured.

    • Configured—Indicates that the site was configured but not activated.

    • Maintenance—Indicates that the site upgrade is in progress; any deployments that might occur because of other jobs are skipped when the site status is under Maintenance.

Add an SD-WAN Branch Site

  1. From the main menu, go to the Site Management page (Resources > Site Management), click Add, and select Branch Site (Manual).

    The Add Branch Site page opens.

  2. Complete the configuration settings according to these guidelines:





    Site Name

    Enter a unique name for the site. You can use alphanumeric characters and hyphen (-); the maximum length allowed is 32 characters.


    Device Host Name

    The device host name is auto-generated and uses the format You cannot change the tenant-name part in the device host name. Use alphanumeric characters and hyphen(-); the maximum length allowed is 32 characters.


    Site Capabilities


    Device Management, enabled by default, allows you to create a site with only device management capability (without any services) and add services later.

    To add an SD-WAN capability for this site, choose one of the following SD-WAN service types:

    • Secure SD-WAN Essentials—(Available for tenants with SD-WAN Essentials service level) Provides basic SD-WAN services. You can upgrade an SD-WAN Essentials site to an SD-WAN Advanced site by editing the site information. The SD-WAN Essentials service provides a subset of the features provided by the SD-WAN Advanced service. As such, it does not support multihoming, dynamic mesh tunnels, cloud breakout profiles, SLA-based steering profiles, pool based source NAT rules, IPv6, MAP-E, or underlay BGP.

    • Secure SD-WAN Advanced—(Available for tenants with SD-WAN Advanced service level) Provides the complete SD-WAN services. You cannot downgrade an SD-WAN Advanced site to an SD-WAN Essentials site.


    Device Series

    Select the device family that your CPE device belongs to—SRX, NFX150, or NFX250.


    Device Template

    Select a device template for the CPE device.

    For example, for an SRX300 device, select SRX as SD-WAN CPE (or a modified version of that template) as the device template.


    Use for Fullmesh

    Click the toggle button to enable the WAN link to be part of a full-mesh topology.

    You typically implement a full-mesh topology to connect remote offices within an organization. A full-mesh topology is not commonly used to connect separate organizations because it allows each site to communicate directly with other sites.


    A site with a single-CPE device can have a maximum of three WAN links enabled for meshing. A site with dual-CPE devices can have a maximum of four WAN links enabled for meshing.

    Configure the two additional fields that appear:

    • Mesh Overlay Link Type: Keep the default selection (GRE over IPsec) as the type of encapsulation to be used for the overlay tunnels in the full-mesh topology.


      For links with public IP addresses, we recommend that you use GRE over IPsec as the mesh overlay link type.

    • Mesh Tags: Select a mesh tag for the WAN link.


      You can select only one mesh tag, so ensure that you select the correct mesh tag.

      The tunnels between the enterprise hub and the branch site or between two branch sites are added based on matching mesh tags.


    Enable Local Breakout

    Click the toggle button to enable local breakout on the WAN link. By default, local breakout is disabled.

    • If you enable this option, the WAN link can be used for local breakout.

    • You must enable local breakout on at least one WAN link for a single CPE connection plan and at least two WAN links for a dual CPE connection plan. Otherwise, the local breakout is disabled for the site.


    Preferred Breakout Link

    Click the toggle button to enable the WAN link as the most preferred breakout link.

    If you disable this option, the breakout link is chosen using ECMP from the available breakout links.


    Connects to Provider Hubs


    The Connects to Provider Hubs field is available only if you have selected a provider hub.

    Click the toggle button to specify that the WAN link of the site connects to a provider hub.

    • For sites with a single CPE, you must enable at least one WAN link to connect to the hub so that OAM traffic can be transmitted.

    • For sites with a dual CPE, you must enable at least one WAN link per device to connect to the hub so that OAM traffic can be transmitted.


    Use for OAM Traffic

    If you have specified that the WAN link is connected to a hub, click the toggle button to enable sending the OAM traffic over the WAN link. Enable this field on at least two WAN links for redundancy.

    This WAN link is then used to establish the OAM tunnel.


    Overlay Tunnel Type

    This field is displayed when the Connects to Provider Hubs field is enabled.

    Select the mesh overlay tunnel type (GRE and GRE_IPSEC) of the tunnel to the hub.

    MPLS links can have both GRE and GRE_IPSEC as the overlay link type whereas Internet links can have only GRE_IPSEC as the overlay link type.


    Overlay Peer Interface

    This field is displayed when the Connects to Provider Hubs field is enabled.

    Select the interface name of the hub device to which the WAN link of the site is connected.


    Link Priority

    Enter a value in the range 1-255. A lower value indicates a more preferred link. A value of 1 indicates highest priority and a value of 255 indicates lowest priority. If you do not enter a value, the link priority is considered as 255.

  3. Click Finish to add the site.

    If you selected a service while adding the device, the Site Status on the Site Management page changes to Provisioned. If you did not select a service, then the Site Status remains in the Managed state until you apply the service. You can edit the site and add the service. After you add the service, the Site Status changes to Provisioned. To know about some of the other site states, see the step 3 in the Add an Enterprise Hub Site section.


    In Release 6.1.0, CSO moves a site to the PROVISIONED state when at least one of the WAN links obtains the IP address and is activated. You can activate the remaining DHCP WAN links later.

Upload and Push the Device License

  1. From the main menu, go to the Device License Files page (Administration > Licenses > Device Licenses) and click +.

    The Add License page opens.

  2. Click Browse to select the license file, and click Open.

    The License File field displays the license file that you selected.


    A license file can contain only one license key.

  3. Click OK.

    CSO parses the license file and verifies whether the license file format is valid. If the format is valid, CSO uploads the license file and you’re redirected to the Device License Files page.

  4. Select the license that you added. Click Push License and select Push.

    The Push License page opens.

  5. Select the device to which you want to push the license, and click OK.

    CSO initiates a job to push the license to the device. When the job completes, the license is pushed to the device.

Install the Signature Database

The signature database contains intrusion detection prevention (IDP) and intrusion prevention system (IPS) signature definitions of predefined attack objects and groups. CSO uses IDP and IPS signatures to detect known attack patterns and protocol anomalies within the network traffic. You'll need to install the signature database on one or more of your network devices. Juniper Networks downloads this database to CSO.

Here’s how to install the signature database:

  1. From the main menu, go to the Signature Database page (Administration > Signature Database) and click Install Signatures.

    The Install Signatures page opens displaying the signature database version and the devices that you can install the signature database on.

  2. Select the check boxes corresponding to the devices that you want to install the signature database on. You can also search for, filter, or sort the devices displayed in the table.
  3. For the Type field, select one of the following options:
    • Run now—To immediately trigger the signature database installation on the selected devices

    • Schedule at a later time—To install the signature database later and specify a date and the time you want to trigger the installation

  4. Click OK.

    The signature database is installed on your devices.

Add and Deploy a Firewall Policy

A firewall policy enforces rules for transit traffic, in terms of what traffic can pass through the firewall, and the actions that need to take place on traffic as it passes through the firewall. You can deploy a firewall policy to all sites or specific sites.

Here’s how to add and deploy a firewall policy:

  1. From the main menu, go to the Firewall Policy page (Configuration > Firewall > Firewall Policy), and click the firewall policy that you want to add the firewall policy intent to.

    The Firewall-Policy-Name page opens.

  2. Click + to add a firewall policy intent.

    The options to add a firewall policy intent appear inline on the Firewall-Policy-Name page.

  3. Complete the following configuration:


    Do this

    Select the source endpoints you want to apply the firewall policy intent to

    Click the add icon (+) to select from the list of addresses, departments, sites, site groups, users, zones, or the Internet

    Select the destination endpoints you want to apply the firewall policy intent to

    Click the add icon (+) to select from the list of addresses, applications, application groups, departments, services, sites, site groups, zones, or the Internet

    Choose whether you want to allow, deny, or reject traffic between the source and destination endpoints

    Click the add icon (+) and select one of the following: Allow, Deny, or Reject

    Add advanced security features

    Click the add icon (+) to select from advanced security features such as unified threat management (UTM) Profiles and IPS Profiles

  4. Click Save to save the changes to the firewall policy intent. 
  5. Select the firewall policy intent that you added, and click Deploy.

    The Deploy page opens.

  6. Choose whether you want to deploy the firewall policy intent at the current time (Run Now) or schedule the deployment for later (Schedule at a Later Time).

    To schedule the deployment for later, enter the date (in MM/DD/YYYY format) and the time (in HH:MM:SS 24-hour or AM/PM format) that you want to trigger the deployment. Be sure to specify the time in the local time zone where you access the CSO GUI.

  7. Click Deploy.

    The firewall policy is deployed.

Deploy SD-WAN Policy Intents


If your SD-WAN Essentials service deployment doesn't involve hubs, you need to:

SD-WAN policy intents optimize how the network uses WAN links and distributes traffic. CSO provides predefined SD-WAN policy intents for tenants.

Here’s how to deploy an SD-WAN policy intent:

  1. From the main menu, go to the SD-WAN Policy page (Configuration > SD-WAN > SD-WAN Policy), select the SD-WAN policy intent that you want to deploy, and click Deploy.

    The Deploy page opens.

  2. Choose whether you want to deploy the SD-WAN policy intent at the current time (Run Now) or schedule the deployment for later (Schedule at a Later Time).

    To schedule the deployment for later, enter the date (in MM/DD/YYYY format) and the time (in HH:MM:SS 24-hour or AM/PM format) that you want to trigger the deployment. Be sure to specify the time in the local time zone where you access the CSO GUI.

  3. Click OK.

    The SD-WAN policy intent is deployed.

Deploy the NGFW or Security Services (Tenant Administrator)

Before you add an NGFW (Security Services) site:

  • Ensure that the required ports are open on the network. Here are the ports that must be open for your NGFW device:

    Device Model


    SRX3xx, SRX550M, SRX1500, SRX4100, and SRX4200

    443, 500 or 4500, 514 or 3514, 6514, 7804, 8060 (needed if using PKI authentication to validate CRL)


    When you configure the SRX Series device, ensure that you configure either the first port (ge-0/0/0) or the last port (ge-0/0/7 or ge-0/0/15 based on the model) for Internet connectivity.

Add an NGFW (Security Services) Site

  1. From the main menu, go to the Site Management page (Resources > Site Management), click Add, and select Branch Site (Manual).

    The Add Branch Site page opens.

  2. Configure the settings. The following table lists the mandatory fields. You’ll find more details here.

    After you complete the configuration in each of the tabs, click Next.





    Site Name

    Give the NGFW site a unique name. You can use alphanumeric characters and hyphen (-); the maximum length allowed is 32 characters.

    Example: Ngfw-1


    Device Host Name

    The device host name is auto-generated and uses the format You cannot change the tenant-name part in the device host name. Use alphanumeric characters and hyphen(-); the maximum length allowed is 32 characters.


    Site Capabilities

    Select Security Services.


    You can choose to either onboard a device with security services (NGFW) configured on it or configure the service later.


    Device Template

    Select the device template for your SRX Series device.

    For example, select SRX_Standalone_Pre_Staged_ZTP (or a modified version of that template) as the device template.


    In-band Management Port

    Select the port that you want to configure as management interface and connect it to the management device. You can configure any of the ge-0/0/x ports, where x ranges from 0 to 14, as in-band management interfaces.


    Import Policy Configuration

    Click the toggle button to automatically import firewall and NAT policies from the NGFW device to CSO. To use this, you need to disable zero-touch provisioning (ZTP). CSO doesn't provision NGFW devices (that are already configured and operational) through ZTP. By default, the Import Policy Configuration option is disabled.

    If you don’t see this toggle button, you can select the firewall policy and NAT policy that you want to deploy from the Firewall Policies drop-down list and the NAT Policies drop-down list respectively. Select None if you want to deploy the policies after you add the site.

  3. Click OK to add the NGFW site.

    If you selected a service while adding the device, the Site Status on the Site Management page changes to Provisioned. If you did not select a service, then the Site Status remains in the Managed state until you apply the service. You can edit the site and add the service. After you add the service, the Site Status changes to Provisioned.

Upload and Push the Device License

  1. From the main menu, go to the Device License Files page (Administration > Licenses > Device Licenses) and click +.

    The Add License page opens.

  2. Click Browse to select the license file, and click Open.

    The License File field displays the license file that you selected.


    A license file can contain only one license key.

  3. Click OK.

    CSO parses the license file and verifies whether the license file format is valid. If the format is valid, CSO uploads the license file and the Device License Files page opens.

  4. Select the license that you added and click Push License > Push.

    The Push License page opens.

  5. Select the device that you want to push the license to, and click OK.

    CSO initiates a job to push the license to the device. When the job completes, the license is pushed to the device.

Install the Signature Database

The signature database contains intrusion detection prevention (IDP) and intrusion prevention system (IPS) signature definitions of predefined attack objects and groups. CSO uses IDP and IPS signatures to detect known attack patterns and protocol anomalies within the network traffic. You'll need to install the signature database on one or more of your network devices. Juniper Networks downloads this database to CSO.

See Install the Signature Database.

Add and Deploy a Firewall Policy

A firewall policy enforces rules for transit traffic, in terms of what traffic can pass through the firewall, and the actions that need to take place on traffic as it passes through the firewall. You can deploy a firewall policy to all sites or specific sites.

See Add and Deploy a Firewall Policy.