Access the NFX350 Device
- Ensure that the NFX350 device is powered on.
- Connect to the console port:
- Plug one end of the Ethernet cable into the console port on your NFX350 device.
- Connect the other end of the Ethernet cable to the RJ-45—to—DB-9
serial port adapter (not provided).Note:
We no longer include the console cable as part of the device package. If the console cable and adapter are not included in your device package, or if you need a different type of adapter, you can order the following separately:
RJ-45 to DB-9 adapter (JNP-CBL-RJ45-DB9)
RJ-45 to USB-A adapter (JNP-CBL-RJ45-USBA)
RJ-45 to USB-C adapter (JNP-CBL-RJ45-USBC)
If you want to use an RJ-45 to USB-A or RJ-45 to USB-C adapter, you must have the X64 (64-Bit) Virtual COM port (VCP) driver installed on your PC. See to download the driver.
- Connect the RJ-45—to—DB-9 serial port adapter
to the serial port on the management device. Use the following values
to configure the serial port:
Baud rate—9600; Parity—N; Data bits—8; Stop bits—1; Flow control—None.
Note:Alternately, you can use the USB cable to connect to the mini-USB console port on the device. To use the mini-USB console port, you must download the USB driver from the following page and install it on the management device:
- Use any terminal emulation program, such as HyperTerminal, to connect to the device console. The CLI displays a login prompt.
- Log in as root. If the software
completes booting before you connect to the console, you might need
to press the Enter key for the prompt to appear:
login: root
- Start the CLI:
root@:~ # cli root@>
- Enter configuration mode:
root@> configure [edit] root@#
- Change the password for the root administration user account:
[edit] root@# set system root-authentication plain-text-password New password: password Retype new password: password
- Enable SSH service for the root user:
[edit] root@# set system services ssh root-login allow
- (Optional) Enable WAN connection for devices connected
on LAN:
[edit] root@# set access address-assignment pool junosDHCPPool family inet dhcp-attributes name-server dns-server-ip
- Commit the configuration:
[edit] root@# commit