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Access the NFX350 Device

  1. Ensure that the NFX350 device is powered on.
  2. Connect to the console port:
    1. Plug one end of the Ethernet cable into the console port on your NFX350 device.
    2. Connect the other end of the Ethernet cable to the RJ-45—to—DB-9 serial port adapter (not provided).

      We no longer include the console cable as part of the device package. If the console cable and adapter are not included in your device package, or if you need a different type of adapter, you can order the following separately:

      • RJ-45 to DB-9 adapter (JNP-CBL-RJ45-DB9)

      • RJ-45 to USB-A adapter (JNP-CBL-RJ45-USBA)

      • RJ-45 to USB-C adapter (JNP-CBL-RJ45-USBC)

      If you want to use an RJ-45 to USB-A or RJ-45 to USB-C adapter, you must have the X64 (64-Bit) Virtual COM port (VCP) driver installed on your PC. See to download the driver.

    3. Connect the RJ-45—to—DB-9 serial port adapter to the serial port on the management device. Use the following values to configure the serial port:

      Baud rate—9600; Parity—N; Data bits—8; Stop bits—1; Flow control—None.


    Alternately, you can use the USB cable to connect to the mini-USB console port on the device. To use the mini-USB console port, you must download the USB driver from the following page and install it on the management device:

  3. Use any terminal emulation program, such as HyperTerminal, to connect to the device console. The CLI displays a login prompt.
  4. Log in as root. If the software completes booting before you connect to the console, you might need to press the Enter key for the prompt to appear:
  5. Start the CLI:
  6. Enter configuration mode:
  7. Change the password for the root administration user account:
  8. Enable SSH service for the root user:
  9. (Optional) Enable WAN connection for devices connected on LAN:
  10. Commit the configuration: