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Perform the Initial Configuration for the MX10004 Router

Before you begin configuring the router:

  • Ensure that the Routing Control Board (RCB) has the Junos OS Release 22.3R1 or later operating system installed.

  • If you want to use an RCB that has Junos OS release prior to 22.3R1 or if the show version command displays the router model as mx10016-olive, you must use the USB install method (not the CLI method) to upgrade the Junos OS release on the RCB to 22.3R1 or later.

You must perform the initial configuration of an MX10004 router through the console port using the command-line interface (CLI).

To connect and configure the router from the console:

  1. Connect the console port to a laptop or PC using the RJ-45 cable and RJ-45 to DB-9 adapter. The console (CON) port is located on the Routing and Control Board of the router.
  2. Verify that your laptop or PC has the following default values:
    • Baud Rate—9600

    • Flow Control—None

    • Data—8

    • Parity—None

    • Stop Bits—1

    • DCD State—Disregard

  3. Log in as root. There is no password. If the software boots before you connect to the console port, you might need to press the Enter key for the prompt to appear.
  4. Start the CLI.
  5. Enter configuration mode.
  6. Add a password to the root administration user account.

    Optionally, instead of configuring the root password at the [edit system] hierarchy level, you can use a configuration group to strengthen security.

  7. (Optional) Configure the name of the router. If the name includes spaces, enclose the name in quotation marks (“ ”).

    You can configure the router name at the [edit system] hierarchy level.

    If your MX10004 router has two RCBs, it is recommended you use a configuration group. You can use group-name as re0 or re1.

    For Example:

  8. Configure the default gateway.
  9. Configure the IP address and prefix length for the router management interface.

    The management port, em0 (MGMT for RJ-45 connections) is found on the front of the RCBs of the MX10004 router.

    If your MX10004 router has two RCBs, you can configure each RCB with a separate IP address for the management Ethernet interface.

    You can use group-name as re0 or re1.

    For Example:

  10. (Optional) Configure the static routes to remote prefixes with access to the management port.

    For example:

  11. (Optional) Enable Telnet service.

    When Telnet is enabled, you cannot log in to an MX10004 through Telnet using root credentials. Root login is allowed only for SSH access.

  12. (Optional) If you used one or more configuration groups, apply the configuration groups, substituting the appropriate group name.

    For example:

    global is a group where user log in details, routes, and other information is stored.

  13. Commit the configuration to activate it on the router.