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Connecting JRR200 Route Reflector to External Devices

Connecting JRR200 Route Reflector to Management Devices

To configure the JRR200 route reflector, you must connect a management device to the CONSOLE port located on the front panel of the JRR200 route reflector, using the provided RJ-45-to-DB-9 adapter and the RJ45 cable.

  1. Attach an electrostatic discharge (ESD) grounding strap to your bare wrist, and connect the strap to the ESD point on the chassis.
  2. Plug one end of the RJ-45 cable into the CONSOLE port of the JRR200 route reflector and the other end into the DB-9 serial port adapter.
  3. Connect the DB-9 serial port adapter end of the RJ-45 cable to the serial port of your management device. Use the following values to configure the serial port:
    • Baud rate—9600

    • Parity—N

    • Data bits—8

    • Stop bits—1

    • Flow control—None