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Hierarchy Level


Specify whether Ethernet OAM continuity checks are performed for an individual remote maintenance end point (MEP).

When you configure the detect-loc statement at [edit protocols oam ethernet link-fault-management interface interface-name] hierarchy level, a loss-of-continuity (LOC) defect is raised when the peer is not found within a period that is equal to 3 times the current keepalive pdu interval. When an LOC defect is raised, a syslog error message is generated .


When you configure the detect-loc statement at the [edit protocols oam ethernet link-fault-management interface interface-name] hierarchy level, any action-profile configured to bring down the interface is executed when an LOC defect is detected. However, the action-profile is not executed if you have not configured detect-loc statement the detect-loc statement at the [edit protocols oam ethernet link-fault-management interface interface-name] hierarchy level.

To view the current LOC status of an interface, execute the show oam ethernet link-fault-management command.


The MEP does not generate LOC defect messages by default.

Required Privilege Level

interface—To view this statement in the configuration.

interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 14.2.