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Hierarchy Level


Specify a redundancy group interface to be monitored for failover and the relative weight of the interface.

For a redundancy group to automatically failover to another node, its interfaces must be monitored. Interface monitoring monitors the physical status of an interface.

When you configure a redundancy group, you can specify a set of interfaces that the redundancy group is to monitor for status (or “health”) of interface to determine whether the interface is up or down. A monitored interface can be a child interface of any of its redundant Ethernet interfaces.

When you configure an interface for a redundancy group to monitor, you assign a weight to the interface. Every redundancy group has a threshold tolerance value initially set to 255. When an interface monitored by a redundancy group becomes unavailable, its weight is subtracted from the redundancy group's threshold. When a redundancy group's threshold reaches 0, the redundancy group fails over to the other node in the cluster.



Name of the interface to monitor


Weight assigned to this interface that influences failover

  • Range: 0-255

Required Privilege Level

interface—To view this statement in the configuration.

interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0.