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Mensajes de instalación interactivos de Paragon Insights

Mientras ejecuta el sudo healthbot setup comando, se le pedirá que responda varias preguntas como parte del proceso de configuración.

Los valores predeterminados para cada pregunta se muestran entre corchetes [ ]. Si se requiere una opción, la opción predeterminada se escribe con mayúscula. Por ejemplo, [Y/n].

Para obtener información sobre la instalación de Paragon Insights (anteriormente HealthBot), consulte Uso de los instaladores interactivos para instalar o actualizar a Paragon Insights versión 4.X.

Mensajes para Paragon Insights versión 4.3.0

  • Paragon Insights free model/freemium license tier is not available in this version. A valid license (trial or commercial) is needed to use Paragon Insights features.

    The format of license key has been changed due to business reasons in this version. The system may have contained the older format of license keys, which are not valid now. You can log into the Juniper Agile Licensing Portal and choose to revoke the existing license and then re-activate the license to a new software version (that will provide you with a new format license key). This newly activated license can be added to the system post upgrade.

    Do you want to proceed? [Y/n]

  • Do you want system to create and use a self-signed SSL certificate? [Y/n]

  • Enter hostnames/ip address of the kubernetes master node(s):

  • Enter comma separated hostnames/ip addresses of kubernetes worker nodes.

  • Do you want HealthBot services to run on master node? [Y/n]

    All nodes must be in the same subnet. Abort the setup if all the nodes are not within same subnet.

  • Please enter password for user ”root” to connect to the nodes:

    Se le pedirá que confirme la contraseña:

    Confirm password:

  • Enter comma separated virtual IP(s):


    Se requiere una dirección IP virtual para conectarse a los servicios de Paragon Insights. Si tiene varias interfaces conectadas a diferentes redes, especifique una dirección IP virtual de cada red desde la que necesite conectividad.

Solicita la versión 4.2.0 de Paragon Insights

  • Paragon Insights free model/freemium license tier is not available in this version. A valid license (trial or commercial) is needed to use Paragon Insights features.

    Do you want to proceed? [Y/n]

  • Do you want system to create and use a self-signed SSL certificate? [Y/n]

  • Enter hostnames/ip address of the kubernetes master node(s):

  • Enter comma separated hostnames/ip addresses of kubernetes worker nodes.

  • Do you want HealthBot services to run on master node? [Y/n]

    All nodes must be in the same subnet. Abort the setup if all the nodes are not within same subnet.

  • Please enter password for user ”root” to connect to the nodes:

    Se le pedirá que confirme la contraseña:

    Confirm password:

  • Enter comma separated virtual IP(s):


    Se requiere una dirección IP virtual para conectarse a los servicios de Paragon Insights. Si tiene varias interfaces conectadas a diferentes redes, especifique una dirección IP virtual de cada red desde la que necesite conectividad.

Mensajes para Paragon Insights versión 4.0.0 y 4.1.0

  • Do you want system to create and use a self-signed SSL certificate? [Y/n]

  • Do you want to install on kubernetes? [y/N]

    Escriba y.

  • Enter hostnames/ip address of the kubernetes master node(s):

  • Enter comma separated hostnames/ip addresses of kubernetes worker nodes.

  • Do you want HealthBot services to run on master node? [Y/n]

    All nodes must be in the same subnet. Abort the setup if all the nodes are not within same subnet.

  • Please enter password for user ”regress” to connect to the nodes:

    Se le pedirá que confirme la contraseña:

    Confirm password:

  • Enter comma separated virtual IP(s):


    Se requiere una dirección IP virtual para conectarse a los servicios de Paragon Insights. Si tiene varias interfaces conectadas a diferentes redes, especifique una dirección IP virtual de cada red desde la que necesite conectividad.

Solicita la versión 3.2.0 de HealthBot (instalación de Docker Compose)

  • Do you want system to create and use a self-signed SSL certificate? [Y/n]

  • Do you want to install on kubernetes? [y/N]

    Ingrese N para comenzar la instalación de Docker Compose.

  • Please enter host IP address. This must be the IP address for establishing SSH connection to the host:

  • (Repetido)Do you want system to create and use a self-signed SSL certificate? [Y/n]

  • Use IPv6 docker network? [y/N]

  • Enter subnet for IPv4 Docker network (optional):

Solicita la versión 3.2.0 de HealthBot (instalación basada en Kubernetes)

  • Do you want system to create and use a self-signed SSL certificate? [Y/n]

  • Do you want to install on kubernetes? [y/N]

    Ingrese y para comenzar la instalación basada en kubernetes.

  • Do you have Kubernetes cluster already? [Y/n]

  • Enter hostnames/ip address of the kubernetes master node(s):

  • Enter comma separated hostnames/ip addresses of kubernetes worker nodes.

  • Do you want HealthBot services to run on master node? [Y/n]