Creación automática de sitios (caso de uso)
La automatización en una red de Juniper Mist le permite a usted y a otros administradores realizar cambios en el sistema automáticamente, a la vez que minimizan los errores humanos. También le permite realizar cambios masivamente escalables que simplemente no se pueden realizar desde una GUI.
El siguiente video muestra un ejemplo de un script que crea quinientos sitios en menos de 5 minutos usando un archivo CSV para la entrada, una plantilla de dispositivo Juniper Mist, la API de Juniper Mist y Python:
Our mission is to create 500 sites in less than 5 minutes, onboard thousands of APs, and monitor all your users across all your sites on a single dashboard without any costly errors.
First, we create an org on the MIST dashboard. Log in, select your org. You may have a few. We're done with step one and now let's go set up templates. This org has RF profiles and three different WLAN configs as seen here. Now we have the templates, let's automate.
We asked the customer to provide a spreadsheet containing site names, site addresses, and any other required site info. The amount of sites could be in the thousands, but for this example, we did 500.
We will now automate the creation of 500 sites based on the information provided by the customer using a simple Python script. Note: it is a human-readable file and not very large. Now we run the script.
And create 500 sites in under 4 1/2 minutes. Mist's 100% API architecture allows you to fully automate this process, removing any chance of human error. Check the audit logs. Perfect. And now we can validate from the dashboard that all the sites were created correctly.