API de Python
A continuación, se presentan ejemplos de código de Python 3 que usa la API de Apstra. Python 3 se admite a partir de Apstra versión 4.1.2.
Inicio de sesión de usuario de API
import requests, sys # IP of Cloudlabs AOS Server aos_server = '' username = 'admin' password = 'aos aos' # authenticate and get a auth token url = 'https://' + aos_server + '/api/user/login' headers = { 'Content-Type':"application/json", 'Cache-Control':"no-cache" } data = '{ \"username\":\"' + username + '\", \"password\":\"' + password + '\" }' response = requests.request("POST", url, data=data, headers=headers, verify=False) print('POST',url,response.status_code) if response.status_code != 201: sys.exit('error: authentication failed') auth_token = response.json()['token'] print(auth_token) headers = { 'AuthToken':auth_token, 'Content-Type':"application/json", 'Cache-Control':"no-cache" }
API: planos
# get blueprint ID ... assuming there is only one url = 'https://' + aos_server + '/api/blueprints' response = requests.request('GET', url, headers=headers, verify=False) print('GET', url, response.status_code) blueprint_id = response.json()['items'][0]['id'] blueprint_name = response.json()['items'][0]['label'] print(blueprint_name, blueprint_id)
API: bastidores de planos
# get a list of racks bound_to = '' url = 'https://' + aos_server + '/api/blueprints/' + blueprint_id + '/racks' response = requests.request('GET', url, headers=headers, verify=False) print('GET', url, response.status_code) for item in response.json()['items']: bound_to += '{\"system_id\":\"' + item['leafs'][0]['id'] + '\"},' bound_to = bound_to[:-1] print(bound_to)
API: zonas de enrutamiento de planos (zonas de seguridad)
# get routing zone ID ... assuming there is only one url = 'https://' + aos_server + '/api/blueprints/' + blueprint_id + '/security-zones' response = requests.request('GET', url, headers=headers, verify=False) print('GET', url, response.status_code) for item in response.json()['items']: if(response.json()['items'][item]['vrf_name'] != 'default'): security_zone_name = response.json()['items'][item]['vrf_name'] security_zone_id = item break print(security_zone_name, security_zone_id)
API: redes virtuales de diseño
# create a virtual network vn_name = "My-VN" url = 'https://' + aos_server + '/api/blueprints/' + blueprint_id + '/virtual-networks' data = '{\"label\":\"' + vn_name + '\",\"vn_type\":\"vxlan\",\"bound_to\":[' + bound_to + '],\"security_zone_id\":\"' + security_zone_id + '\"}' print(data) response = requests.request('POST', url, data=data, headers=headers, verify=False) print('POST', url, response.status_code)
Ejecutar Python
El código python3 se puede ejecutar en el servidor AOS de Cloudlabs. Utilice el python3.6
comando para ejecutar la secuencia de comandos de Python.
admin@aos-server:~$ python3.6 test.py POST 201 eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluIiwiY3JlYXRlZF9hdCI6IjIwMjAtMDItMjFUMTc6NDM6NTkuNTU1MDQzIiwidXNlcl9zZXNzaW9uIjoiMmU0Y2YwODktNzZmYS00NDg4LTlhNmItYWViYjc3MmQyNDE2IiwiZXhwIjoxNTgyMzkzNDM5fQ.GWsy292pfpPVpisbQNKc3EHrDlxh1OUmpQaQ-dF-mwY GET 200 neil-blueprint cbfe7a43-4da7-4b2c-90a2-ea0bae4ed79a GET 200 {"system_id":"2cbb0fc0-5f87-4671-8d8b-e909cbf84fdd"},{"system_id":"98002bb9-d0a9-484c-86e7-2aac2b926bf7"},{"system_id":"73bd231c-f78e-499f-bf98-fa80c1102a4a"},{"system_id":"19fb6155-e9eb-4ae7-b5b3-933416f0e3cd"} GET 200 Finance 4aaa4499-3194-4904-a1ae-daabbe3ed329 {"label":"My-VN","vn_type":"vxlan","bound_to":[{"system_id":"2cbb0fc0-5f87-4671-8d8b-e909cbf84fdd"},{"system_id":"98002bb9-d0a9-484c-86e7-2aac2b926bf7"},{"system_id":"73bd231c-f78e-499f-bf98-fa80c1102a4a"},{"system_id":"19fb6155-e9eb-4ae7-b5b3-933416f0e3cd"}],"security_zone_id":"4aaa4499-3194-4904-a1ae-daabbe3ed329"} POST 201 admin@aos-server:~$