<rpc> <load-configuration> <configuration> <!-- opening tag for each parent of the element --> <!-- For a hierarchy level or object without an identifier --> <level-or-object delete="delete"> <!-- For an object with an identifier (here, called <name>) --> <object delete="delete"> <name>identifier</name> </object> <!-- For a single-value or fixed-form option of an object --> <object> <name>identifier</name> <!-- if object has identifier --> <option delete="delete"/> </object> <!-- closing tag for each parent of the element --> <!-- For a value in a multivalued option of an object --> <!-- opening tag for each parent of the parent object --> <parent-object> <name>identifier</name> <object delete="delete">value</object> </parent-object> <!-- closing tag for each parent of the parent object --> </configuration> </load-configuration> </rpc>
Junos XML 프로토콜 서버가 후보 구성 또는 개방형 구성 데이터베이스에서 구성 요소를 제거한다는 것을 지정합니다. 속성에 대해 허용되는 유일한 가치는 "삭제"입니다.