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show access-cac interface-set



Display interface-set adjustment information.



List all interface-set entries with the total aggregate adjustment value for each interface-set.


Restrict the output to a specific interface-set.


List all multicast groups, with adjustment rates, that provide an update on the specified interface-set.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 describes the output fields for the show show access-cac interface-set command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show class-of-service interface-set Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Access cac interface-set

Then name of the interface set.

Total current adjustment on interface-set

The total current adjustment on the interface set, in bps, equal to the sum of the measured rates on all configured multicast channels.

Mcast channels

The list of all configured multicast channels.

Configured rate

The shaping rate configured for each multicast channel.

Measured rate

The current data rate for each multicast channel. This rate for a multicast channel adjusts the shaping rate of the interface set by an equal amount.

Sample Output

show access-cac interface-set

show access-cac interface-set (detail)

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 17.2.